Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Once I got to the front porch the police left and Isaac was stood just a few feet away from me.

"Uh wait. Andi can I get a ride home? My car is at the party.."

Before I could reply a voice behind me responded to him before I could.

"No she definitely will not. One of us guys will be dropping you off. You don't deserve to be around my little sister!" Jonah growls at him

"Oh really now? Is that how you're going to treat your sisters boyfriend?" He smirks

Wait what?? I never said he's my boyfriend! It was just one date! I don't ever want to see this guy again after today.

"BOYFRIEND?!" Jules yells.

Everyone's eyes were on me. Daniels eyes were different. They were a dark blue not the brightest blues you'd ever see..

"Uhm I think the fuck not!" Jack sasses

"Isaac, you and I aren't dating.. today you left me at the party, you didn't fight for me to let me leave the party. Please just leave me alone" I said trying to be as nice as possible.

"Ugh no come on I need you to change you're going to have to come with me!" He yells grabbing my wrist.

"No!" I yell trying to pull away but his grip was way too strong.

But then I felt someone grab my waist trying to pull me back and I see Daniel running towards Isaac.

Next thing you know it Daniel knocked Isaac down to the ground by a huge strong punch in the jaw. It caused isaacs lip to bleed.

"Stay away from her!" Daniel yells with his veins popping out from his arms, jaw clenched, and the most scariest expression I've ever seen Daniel do.

It was different. Scary Daniel wasn't the one that I wouldn't like to see often.. but I mean I have to admit it looked pretty hot..
God andi! Not the time! Stop!

Isaac chuckles "oh really? Who are you to tell me to stay away from my girlfriend!"
Is he really thinking that I'm his damn girlfriend.

"You are not dating her! She doesn't like you! You hurt her and I'm not letting you hurt her ever again!"

I'm pretty sure Jules and Jonah explained on what happened between Isaac and I today already but I didn't mind. I trusted the guys, I trusted Daniel.

Okay yeah maybe I do like daniel. Even the slightest. But yet again. He probs sees me as a sister. That's why he punched Isaac.

"Find your own way to get home asshat!" Jonah yells.

Corbyn and Zach helped me get inside and comforted me as I had tears falling down my face and was still afraid if everyone's mad at me..

They sat me down as Jonah, jack, Daniel, and Jules were stilling swearing at Isaac and making sure he's off of our front lawn.

Once they got in they asked me if I was alright and told me I could explain when I'm ready. But I realized Daniel was not here

"Where's Daniel.." I knew what they all were thinking but of course Jules would be the one who would smirk at me anyways even though the rest didn't.

"Oh your lover boy? He's outside said he needed fresh air" she teased

"One he's not my lover boy and two thank you I shall go see him oh and Jules.." I said stopping myself before I flipped Jules off. She just did a witch evil laugh while the guys chuckled.

I stepped outside the door closing it behind me and I went behind Daniel and hugged him from behind.

This might not be the time but I could feel his abs through his shirt. Man they feel like rocks.

"Thank you Daniel" I said resting my chin on his shoulders and putting me legs on both sides of him as he was sitting on the steps

"Of course andi. Anything for you" he smiles looking back at me.

"Hey Daniel?"

"Yeah?" He responds

"Why'd you care so much enough to hurt Isaac"

He started to stumble over his words. "It's uh b-because uhm I- i"

~oh I'm an evil person 😈~

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