Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Hey Daniel! Let's go!" I said smiling at him closing the door behind me.

But then Jules swung the door open. "Bye kids! Have fun but not too much fun!"

I turned around and glared at her. She just laughed and closed the door again.
He opened the car door for me and I thanked him.

He turned on the radio and it started to "guillotine" by Jon bellion and turns out we have the same music taste and we had a great time just by spending time together in the car jamming to music.

We arrived and we were at a beach (Santa Monica pier)

"The beach?" I said

"Yeah! Plus there's rides and such up on the pier!"

"Yayyy!" I yelled punching the air with my fists.

"Okay where to first?" He asks

"The roller coaster!" I grabbed his hand and ran excitedly to the roller coaster and once we got to the line it wouldn't take long till we were on it

I looked down and realized that our hands were still together but Daniel and I looked at each other and just smiled.

Butterflies. Cheesy I know! But it's true!
Once we got on the ride Daniel and I's hands never left each other. Even when we put our hands up.

It was like that for the next hour or two just having a bunch of fun on rollercoaster feeling like a kid again.

We were at a carnival game and it was one of those "test your strength game"

"Hey andi I want to try this out" he said giving me a thumbs up

"Go for it! You got it" I said giving a thumbs up back.

He actually won! He got the giant pooh bear. Awh I loved pooh bear as a child!

"Here you go!" He said smiling proudly

"Thank you Daniel! It means a lot" I said happily.

"Yeah I may or may not have asked Jonah a little bit more about you and he told me that your favorite stuffed animal as a kid was a small pooh bear but you lost it"

"And that is very much a fact" I giggled and he dragged me to bumper cars.

We had so much fun for the next few hours. Daniel was the type of guy who makes you want to stay with him forever. He's so real to you, honest and loving.

He's so different from Isaac. Even when I thought Isaac was the best boyfriend. Isaac brought me danger. Daniel brings me happiness.

We were now heading towards the ferris wheel.

On the way up he just had his arm wrapped around me giving me warmth and we enjoyed just us being there together

"Andi you know we should do this again. More often I had a great time"

"I agree thank you" I said looking up at him

"And maybe as an official date someday?" He asks

Wait is he asking me out. My heart. I need to process this

"I- I would love to Daniel"

It was all happening so fast but I liked it
He leaned in.

World slows down around us.

I lean in too.

Next thing I know his soft lips touched mine.

And I couldn't be any more happier.

Little Ray // Daniel seavey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now