Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

We walked back to the car with me carrying the pooh bear in my arms that is 3/4 my height.

Once we got in the car we played music and it was more on the chill side of music.

"Hey dani i had a really great time today"
I said smiling at him.

He just smiled to himself but kept his eyes on the road.

"Oh so you're calling me dani now?" He smirks

"Yep I am and you have no say if I can't" he chuckles and says

"You know you're very different from everyone. But I like it. And you're the best person I have ever met"

This kid, boy he makes me smile a lot.

"And I'd also like to say you are very cute when you blush" dani continues

"Daniel. Shush" I said hiding behind pooh bear.

We finally made it to mine and Jules house.

Daniel walked me to the door step

"I'll see you soon?" He asks

"Yes you definitely will"

He started to walk back to his car but I had to stop him.

"Okay Daniel this is very cheesy on so many levels. But uhm" I quickly gave him a peck on the lips

"You're such a dork" he says going in for another but then i felt a shock in my sides.

He tickled me. And he starts running away into his car.

"Dani! I'm going to get you back someday!" I yell at him

"You wish!" He yells back driving away.

I giggled by myself and unlocked the front door and once I closed it I did a little victory dance.

Once I turned around I see Zach and Jules staring at me.

"Uh hey guys.. whatcha doing?" I ask awkwardly

"Young lady where have you been? It's already 9 pm!" Jules yells

"I'm sorry mom and dad but I was out with a friend"

"I heard it was with Daniel how'd it go?" Zach asked

"Uhm it was pretty great now I will go upstairs night!"

"Andi! You and I both know your not going to sleep!" Jules yells

"At least tell us if you guys kissed!" Zach yells

What the flip

"Yes!" I yell before I running to my room making sure it's looked and a chair propped onto it to make sure they don't run in.

But then I get a text from Jules

"The questions shall be asked tomorrow but I think it's good for me to have a talk with Daniel tomorrow"

"Okay if I can talk to Zach tomorrow"

"Sure and zach's sleeping over"

I quickly opened my door and went to Jules room barging in.

They were cuddling.

"Room has to stay open" I scold them

"Andiiii" Jules whines in embarrassment.

"Nope I'm not hearing it this door has to be opened. I don't need to be an auntie so soon"

"Andi! Stop" Zach says trying not to laugh

"Okay okay I'm going!" I said putting my hands up

I went back to my room and I got a missed call from Jonah 5 minutes ago.

I facetimed him again.

"Hey jonahhh what's up" I smiled at the camera

"Uhm so my little sister never told me she kissed my best friend?" Jonah sternly says

"Uh well about that.."

I heard a voice in the back

"Help! Andi, Jonah is crushing me!" Daniel yells

"Oh my god Jonah get off him!" I said making Jonah groan of annoyance and have Daniel sigh of relief.

"So did you guys really?" Jonah says

"Uhm.. yes. But remember! I'm only a year younger than you and I'm already an adult so I can handle myself!" I told him

I saw Jonah grab Daniels collar through the little screen

"Listen Daniel you're my best friend but if you hurt her I'll break your pretty face"

"Thanks for calling me pretty" Daniel joked which made me giggle.

"Okay I'm going to bed but Daniel Jules wants to talk to you tomorrow to give you an interview, Zach will be there too" I told him and Daniel replied with an okay but Jonah said "when will I get to talk to my sister" he pouts

"Soon Jonah, now goodnight boys!" They both said their goodnight and I fell asleep right when I hit the bed hugging the the giant pooh bear.

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