Chapter 29 part 1

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I woke up to a phone ring but chose to ignore it. But then I heard danis' sleepy voice answer it and leave my side.

I fluttered my eyes open and clung onto the duck.

After about 2 minutes he came back to the room

"Dani? Everything alright?" I asked him with a concerned face

"Yes I am, I just have to go pick up my friend from the airport, she's surprising me with a visit and uh her names Angelina, Angi for short, I'll see you later and if the guys ask tell them I'm at the airport" he says and he was gone after he put a hat on and slipped on his shoes.. that was quick.

I looked at the time and it was 7 am

I groaned in frustration and fell back onto the bed.

I've seen photos of angi and let me tell you she's gorgeous! And I'm not going to lie, it makes me feel sorta insecure and discouraged.

I fell back to sleep but woke up at 10 am this time and there were so much noise downstairs with pans clashing and people chattering.

Ugh it's still slightly too early but I got out of bed, I looked in the mirror and I saw was just wearing the short stretchy black shorts I wore under my skirt yesterday and wore Daniels huge (for me) hoodie.

Decent enough. But then today's morning replayed in my head. How Daniel left so quick.

Oh well I'd like to meet angi, through the screen she seems so sweet and beautiful..

I walked downstairs to be greeted by everyone, oh and I mean everyone until dani walked up to my lightly grabbing my wrist pulling me towards the girl I recognized as angi.

"Hey! You must be andi, Daniel told me about you and maybe we could be friends.. I mean our names only have a only letter difference" she says happily.

That made me feel so happy and welcomed so I gladly responded with "nice to meet you and definitely I'd like to be friends"

I walked away giving them a wave as I entered the kitchen and there was in n out and pizza all over the kitchen island oh lord.

I ate the pizza and noticed dani and angi were very close to each other and kept laughing.. I felt a ping of jealousy hit me but I pushed it to the side.

After everyone ate we suggested to go to the beach and just have fun today since angi is here.

Angi had a bathing suit in her bag but Jules and I had to wait till everyone else is ready so we could get our stuff from our house then leave

Jules and I got our stuffed and we ended up matching each other pretty well, I SWEAR ITS NOT PLANNED!

We got into the car and since our bikinis were still very visible because it's a thin cover up the guys were staring at us either because of our bodies or because we're matching. I choose the second option and sat in the car

I was sitting in the back with angi in the middle then Daniel on the left side.
The whole time they talked and I just looked out the window.

Am I really looking forward to today? I mean I get that angi and dani haven't seen each other in awhile and I respect that but dani has barely talked to me.. I sound really selfish right now so I'll just let it go.

We got to the beach and we all got there and everyone unloaded the car while I was in charge of finding a place and setting the towels down.

So I did my job and set it up near the front of the beach but not close enough where I the waves will hit us

I ran back to everyone else and helped bring everything to the spot so it could be faster if I helped carry of some weight.

We blasted some music and went for a swim. Well the guys and angi, Jules wanted to "tan" but I reminded her to not stay out without sunscreen too long or else she'd get burnt badly..

I saw all the boys and angi splashing around having fun but I'm just not feeling it today.. I told Jules I'm going to walk off and find some little stores and even look for little bracelets or shells along the beach.

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