Oh My Cows Potatoes

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Once we all established that Dani was rich, we headed towards the great hall for dinner. At dinner, I noticed Maria Brown walk over to the Gryffindor table. and all I could think was :Uh oh.

Dani walked up to the table and took her seat next to me. "Oh my cows potatoes!" I said keeping an eye on Dani's sister. ( A/N you are an awesome person if you get that reference)

"Honestly you surprise me with new things everyday." James admitted taking a bite of his apple.

"Yeah, How do you even come up with this kind of stuff?" Remus asked.

I ignored him and grabbed Dani's arm. She looked back at me with a confused look and I couldn't get a sound to come out of my mouth. So, instead of distracting Maria with her own sister, I took James' apple out of his hand and threw it at her. Maria turned around and walked up to us.

"Dani , did you throw an apple at me?" Maria asked a little confused as to why.

"Yes she did." I said acting on my instincts. Dani looked back at me a little mad. I got up and walked Maria to our respective table.

"Stay." I said pointing a finger at her and walking back to my friends who were all giving me confused looks. I put my hands up defensively. "Okay, I know what you're tinking, literaly." I turned to Dani to explain. "I was just saving he from heartbraek."

"Heartbreak?" she asked.

"Yep." I confirmed.

"So Nathan doesn't like her?" She questioned a little sad for her sister.

"Um, I'm sure he would, if he was straight." The minute I was done speaking the whole group got quiet.


Once we were done with all that, a letter was dropped in front of me. I opened the letter and heard Dani think Who's it from?

"It's from my uncle." I confirmed to her and the rest of the group. I looked over the letter noticing the terrible handwriting that belonged to my uncle along with the messy signature at the bottom.

"What does it say?" Dani asked letting her curiosity get the best of her.

"Dear Masie, it is with my greatest pleasure to tell you that I am finally able to open up that cupcake shp you're dad always wanted!" I paused. Just those words alone almost brought me to tears. My father loved to bake, it was his passion, but he mostly made cupcakes and he would always promise that one day he would have D.C.'s most crouded bakery which was why this was such a big deal. "I'll be happy to show you , Nathan , and little Penelope whenever you visit this summer! Love, Your Uncle Phillip.


I know , I hate short chapters too but don't worry @imaawesome0422 and I have some tricks up our sleeves for Masie's birthday.

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