My Cat Loves Me

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Dinner was over, and so was the normal relationship I had with my friends. I was walking out of the great hall with the rest of the group when Dani came out of nowhere and pulled Remus to the side. Everyone else kept walking but I struggled to stop myself from eavesdropping. I stopped walking and debated in my head eventually deciding against the idea, I'd figure out somehow. I turned to catch up with everyone else.

Once I made it to common room, I saw Maria who was thinking about my brother, ALOT.

"Maria," I said walking towards the girl ,"I need to tell you something about my-"

"Masie!"Judy yelled from our dorms panic filling her voice.

I raced to the dorms terrified for my friend's life.

"Mouse caught a mouse!" I looked at my cat who sat next to the dead mouse on my bed licking his paws.

"Crap, he got blood all over my bed too." I put washcloths over each of my hands and walked out of the common room and to the fat lady portrait. "Sherbet" The painting swung open and I saw all four marauders on the couch asleep. Sirius woke up and the minute he saw me a shook my head like crazy and threw the mouse on James along with the bloody cloths.

"How did you get the rodent?" Sirius questioned.

"My cat loves me." I said then walked out and back to my dorm to wash off my comforter.

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