Chapter One

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The skies opened up with real purpose, showering the two fiances with rain as they hiked through the woods

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The skies opened up with real purpose, showering the two fiances with rain as they hiked through the woods. They were running out of time to embark on their romantic hiking trip before the big day, so they cheerfully made their way along the trails of Forest Park despite the rain. Of course, rain wasn't anything new for Portland. The couple had lived there for long enough to accept Portland for everything that made it unique, including its weather. They decided they didn't need to wait for a more sunny, or really less cloudy, day to go on their trip. At least the torrential rain could make for an interesting story in the future.

"What a beautiful day," Jorge commented sarcastically. He and his fiance, Jordan, both laughed.

"It beats staying at work," Jordan said, grinning through the rain at her future husband. "Maybe one day I'll thank you for making me do this."

"Maybe," Jorge agreed, smugly. Jordan pushed him playfully and they laughed together as they carefully made their way along the trails, watching each step to avoid the pools of water that were forming around their feet.

"Have you been hiking here before?" she asked Jorge.

"No, and I definitely wouldn't do it alone," he answered.

"Because you're a big baby?" Jordan guessed. Jorge wasn't really a hiker as far as she knew. "Or is it because you'd miss me?"

Jorge stopped on the trail and wrapped his arms around Jordan. "Probably both," he said. "But, then again, I also might have gotten cold if I were out here all alone..."

"Well, you and I aren't in any danger of that," Jordan said. She leaned forward and kissed Jorge.

"Mm-hm," he mumbled in agreement as they kissed.

"Let's keep moving, or we won't make it back in time for our reservation at Raven and Rose," Jordan warned.

"I'd be okay with that," Jorge said, leaning in for another kiss.

Jordan pushed him away. "Come on," she called as she continued down the trail. Jorge watched Jordan's light brown ponytail bob with her steps. He laughed before running after her. "Hey, don't go off by yourself," he warned. "I don't want you to disappear on me."

"What are you talking about?" Jordan asked playfully, laughing and taking his hand.

"Haven't you heard the stories?" Jorge asked. "About people going missing in the woods near this very spot?" Jorge let go of Jordan's hand, ran in front of her, and was walking backward. "You know, tales about young attractive women disappearing after seeing a house in the woods?"

"That is ridiculous!"Jordan rolled her eyes and Jorge moved to walk next to her again.

"So you don't believe in it?" Jorge asked.

"Do you?" Jordan retorted, looking skeptical.

Jorge laughed before clearing his throat to make his voice sound more ominous. "I think there are things in this world we can't explain," he said darkly. He wiggled his fingers in front of himself. "Whoooo-oooo," he moaned in a poorly executed imitation of a ghost.

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