Chapter Four

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Jorge was at a desk, frantically scratching a piece of charcoal to some paper when Nick and the others walked into his room. There were other charcoal drawings surrounding him - on the floor, in the bed, on shelves.

Jorge looked awful. His black hair was tangled and oily, he had huge bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept for days, and the buttons on his shirt were in the wrong holes.

"Mr.Thompson," Nick said, trying to get the frantic man's attention. "My name is Detective Burkhardt, this is Detective Griffin, Sergeant Wu, and" Nick looked at Trubel. "Theresa."

"I'm a criminology student," Trubel offered up, raising her hand. Wu made a face and Hank smiled at him.

"We're investigating your fiance's disappearance," Hank said.

Jorge stood up quickly. "You think she's still alive?!" he asked hopefully as he joined the semicircle of people standing by his doorway.

"Unless you know something you aren't telling us," Nick suggested.

"I didn't kill her," Jorge said quickly, inching towards hysterics. "I want to find her, but they all say I'm crazy. They all say it wasn't real, but I think they're wrong. I saw what I saw!"

"Mr.Thompson-" Hank interrupted. He felt like he was looking at himself from a few years ago; he had been losing his mind until Nick told him that he wasn't seeing things.

"No! I'm not crazy! I saw what I saw! A witch took my fiance!" Jorge said. His eyes were wide and wild. He was waving his hands chaotically trying to emphasize his innocence.

"Mr.Thompson, we need you to relax and walk us through what happened," Hank said calmly.

Jorge took a deep breath and nodded. He brushed his messy hair out of his eyes before beginning his story. "Jordan and I were going on a hike before our wedding. It was my idea. I thought it would be fun," Jorge said, losing his composure. "Jordan didn't want to go, but I convinced her," he whimpered. Jorge looked pleadingly back and forth between Hank and Nick. "It's my fault. It's my fault," he cried.

"If you want us to find her, you have to tell us what happened," Nick said gently. "We want to help you, but you need to tell us what happened next."

"Everything was going great," Jorge continued, "But, then, we got lost, and we missed our dinner reservation at Raven and Rose, and the map got ruined. Jordan got mad at me and I yelled at her," he said.

"You two got in an argument?" Nick clarified, looking at Hank.

"I know it sounds bad, but I didn't hurt her. She went off, and I felt guilty and tried to find her." Jorge paused and looked wildly between Nick, Hank, and the others. "I looked everywhere and couldn't find her. Then, all the sudden, she showed up behind me. She said she wanted to show me something or something like that..." Jorge sounded genuinely confused. "We heard a bunch of birds and saw a cabin and then," Jorge paused. He was shaking his head back and forth.

"Then?" Nick asked

"This is where it gets hard to explain. I know it sounds weird, I swear to God I know how this sounds!" Jorge shouted.

"Then?" Trubel asked impatiently.

"Jordan stopped walking and wouldn't answer me. I went over to her, and I got stuck, too."

"Stuck?" Hank asked.

"It was crazy! I couldn't move at all - my arms, my legs, my head. I could only kind of move my eyes, but even that was hard!"

"And the same thing happened to Jordan?" Nick asked.

"Yes! We were both stuck until this old woman came out of the cabin and walked over to us. She said something about Jordan being pretty. Then she touched her face and said something in some other language...?"

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