Chapter Five

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It was impossible to talk about the case for the whole drive back, especially without the crucial details that Rosalee and Monroe would hopefully be providing. The group ended up discussing random unrelated topics.


"I can't believe I never noticed before," Wu suddenly blurted out.

Nick turned around in his seat and so did Trubel. Hank eyed Wu through the rearview mirror. They all looked on in anticipation, waiting for Wu to reveal his epiphany. Maybe he figured out a clue about the case.

"What?" Hank asked when Wu didn't continue.

"You always drive," Wu observed. "Why doesn't Nick ever drive?"

"Yeah, you're right," Trubel agreed. Her brow furrowed with confusion as she looked over at Nick. "Why don't you drive, Nick? You're a Grimm. Your reflexes are better than Hank's."

"Hey," Hank objected, offended. "I'm a good driver."

"Are you a bad driver?" Wu asked Nick.

"No!" Nick answered defensively.

"Well..." Hank said. "You wrecked the car like, what? Three times?"

"Four," Nick said grumpily.

"Oh, four?" Wu repeated snarkily.

"But they weren't my fault," Nick denied, looking around at the people that surrounded him. Not a single one looked convinced.

"That's what they all say," Wu added. Nick shot him a dirty look.

"Really!" Nick promised. "The first time was before I was a Grimm. Some idiot ran a stop sign."

"Okay, that's true," Hank admitted. "I was there for that one."

"What about the others?" Trubel asked. Nick used to drive her around all the time, and he seemed like he knew what he was doing.

"The other times happened somewhat recently. This one guy slammed on his brakes for no reason at all and sped away. Another changed lanes into me. The other was just a normal rear end," Nick explained. "Not my fault."

"It's strange that they all happened at one time," Hank said. 

"It all happened within the past six years," Nick agreed, nodding.

"So you were a Grimm at the time?" Trubel clarified. She made a face like she was deep in thought.

Nick wasn't really sure what she was getting at. "Yeah, why?"

Trubel looked up at Nick. "Were they Wesen?"

"All three were, actually," Nick said.

"They probably ran into you on purpose," Trubel said. "They saw you were a Grimm and tried to take you out."

"People do that?" Hank asked, appalled. Nick shrugged, and Trubel said, "It happens to me all the time when I'm driving cars on assignments for HW. They get mad because of traffic or something, woge, and see that I'm a Grimm. I don't even know these people, and then all of the sudden, they try to smash their car into me."

"That would make sense," Nick mused. "I just never thought..."

"Okay, Nick. Now you're never allowed to drive," Hank said, slightly joking.

"Hey," Nick objected. "I must have done a decent job at driving. We aren't dead."

"Yet," Wu said pessimistically. 

"What did you do to the guys that hit you?" Trubel asked Nick.

"Exchanged insurance information. Or arrested them depending on which ones we're talking about," Nick said. Something about the way Trubel asked the question made him curious. "What did you do?"

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