Chapter Thirteen

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Adalind was sitting in her office. She met with a few clients throughout the day, but she still felt lonely. It was strange not having Kelly with her. She trusted Trubel, but she couldn't fight her anxiety. She called Trubel for the third time that day.

"Yeah?" Trubel asked.

"How's it going?" Adalind asked.

"I'll let you figure that one out," Trubel said. She put the phone one speaker, and Adalind could hear Diana laughing saying, "It's your turn!" They must be playing a game.

"What are you guys doing?" Adalind asked happily.

"We're having a Wesen drawing contest," Trubel said. "Diana always wins, but I think I'd have a chance if she actually drew with her hands, rather than her eyes, if you know what I'm saying."

"Trubel!" Diana whined.

"Okay, I pick... a Muassasat Al Shabaab," Trubel said. Adalind heard scribbling sounds over the phone. About five seconds after Trubel requested a Wesen drawing, Diana said, "Done!"

"See?" Trubel asked Adalind, laughing. "She's such a cheater!"

"Now, what?" Diana asked.

"Gevatter Tod," Trubel said before telling Adalind, "We're still good here."

"Okay," Adalind said. "Thank you, Trubel."

"No problem," Trubel told her.

"I'll probably call you a few more times," Adalind warned, sounding embarrassed but not embarrassed enough to stop calling.

"I'm sure you will," Trubel agreed bluntly.

Adalind laughed. "Yeah. Bye, Trubel."

"Talk to you in five minutes," Trubel joked before hanging up.

Five minutes later, Adalind realized she forgot to ask Trubel if she fed Kelly. She dialed Trubel's number.

"I didn't actually mean we'd talk in five minutes," Trubel answered.


Wu, Nick, Rosalee, Monroe, Hank, and, now, Farris were looking through Spice Shop and Grimm books. They were searching for anything that involved Hexenbiests turning people into Wesen. Farris started to get nervous when they explained to her that that kind of thing could be possible.

It was getting late, but eventually, Rosalee found an entry that was related to what they were looking for.

"This entry is from 1897," Rosalee said. "And it's in English!" she approved. "I journeyed to Seattle, only expecting to stay there for a night or two before making my way to Canada's Klondike region. My goal was to strike it rich like others had done before me. Little did I know that I would become engrossed in a mystery that originated a few miles away from the city. Upon my arrival, I heard rumors circulating of a forest witch that was kidnapping young, human women who entered the city. This caught the entire city's attention as there was already a lack of women in the city from the influx of men arriving for the gold rush. I decided that I would investigate this mystery and knew that whoever hired me would pay generously," Rosalee read. She rolled her eyes, obviously not enjoying the Grimm's sole interest in money. "I eventually found a group of desperate men who offered to hire me under the condition that I would work with a local Grimm. I agreed and met my partner that night. His name was Jasper. He told me that he had been searching for answers to this case since his fiance was kidnapped about a month ago. He said he had reason to believe that the witch, who we both thought to be a Hexenbiest, did not kill her victims immediately and, instead, kept them as Wesen slaves. He had heard that she kidnapped young women in groups and killed them individually when they reached a certain age. Despite our research, Jasper and I were unable to find a cure for the witch's spell that turned humans into Wesen. We headed into the woods, armed with axes and swords in preparation to cut off the Hexenbiest's head. Jasper and I became lost in the forest as the skies darkened, and only then could we find the cabin. It was our belief that the Hexenbiest was able to hide her evil den from those who searched for it using another spell. When we approached the house, we became frozen as if our entire bodies were turned to stone. It was then that the witch appeared in front of us. She saw we were Grimms and let us go, only to chase us through the forest. I watched as she caught up with Jasper and quickly snapped his neck. There was nothing I could do for my partner, and I ran in no particular direction to escape the witch's wrath. I barely escaped with my life and vowed never to return to the forest." Rosalee finished reading and looked up to find a horrified expression shaping everyone's face.

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