Chapter Twenty

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Nick and Hank decided to take Jordan with them when they picked up Jorge from the mental institution in Spokane. They waited in the lobby of the hospital for Jorge to come downstairs with his things.

"I'm so nervous," Jordan said, pacing the floor.

"It's going to be fine," Hank assured. "He's going to be happy to see you."

"What if he isn't?" Jordan worried.

The elevator door opened, allowing Jeff and Jorge to join the others in the lobby. Jeff was holding Jorge's suitcase full of personal items that Jorge's family had brought to him when he was first institutionalized. Jorge, his hands free from luggage, looked up, noticed Jordan, and took off running towards her.

"Jordan!" he said as if he were the happiest man alive.

"Jorge!" she screamed. She sprinted towards him and jumped into his open arms. Jorge laughed and spun her around. He squeezed her tight before pulling away from her to kiss her as many times as possible. Jordan laughed and kissed him meaningfully on the lips.

"I missed you so much," Jorge said quietly.

"I love you," Jordan told him. She pulled away from him and asked, "Can we still get married?"

Jorge smiled. He looked a lot better than the last time Nick and Hank had seen him; he had taken a shower, his hair was brushed, his clothes were fresh, but more than that, he was much happier. "Of course," he promised.

During the reunion, Jeff talked to Nick and Hank. He pretended to be offended that Trubel hadn't come with them. He told them that Janice had gotten fired, so it was safe for Trubel to say, "Hi" to him from time to time. Nick laughed and said he'd pass on the message. Before heading back to the car, Nick thanked Jeff for taking care of Trubel so many years ago, and Jeff said she took care of him too.

Jorge and Jordan got married a week later and invited Nick and his friends to the wedding. It was short notice, but both Jordan and Jorge said they didn't want to wait anymore.


After getting home from the mental institution, Nick talked to Trubel and decided that he would work for HW part time; he liked the idea of working with Trubel every now and then. He would come in whenever Trubel needed him for a lesson she was teaching or if he ever wanted to spend some quality time with his cousin, and he would even get paid. He was still considered a founder of the Grimm branch and was allowed to make decisions that represented all Grimms just like Trubel. Wu had been right - it was a pretty good gig.

Trubel extended HW's offer to Eve, too, but it didn't go quite as Trubel had thought.

Trubel had found Eve working in the Spice Shop.

"You spend a lot of time here, now," Trubel said as she looked around the jars and spices.

"I'm basically Rosalee's apprentice," Eve said happily. "I'm going to help her with the shop when Rosalee has her children."

"Are they going to pay you?" Trubel asked.

"They're going to pay me a little bit in addition to letting me live here," Eve said happily. "Nick and Adalind are also paying me for babysitting, so I basically have two jobs." Eve seemed satisfied with the life she was living.

"Speaking of jobs," Trubel said. "I talked to some of the higher ups in HW, and they said they would give you a job if you want one."

Eve put away a few jars while Trubel was talking, and turned around to look at Trubel. "It was your idea to hire me, and they gave in, didn't they?"

"It doesn't matter," Trubel said, evading the question. "They still offered you a job."

"Trubel, I think it's very sweet that you're trying to help me," Eve began, sounding a little like Juliette. "But I'm happy which is more than I usually ask for. I like it here, I like what I'm learning, and I do enjoy spending some time with our friends."

"But-" Trubel began to object.

"But I would be willing to work for HW if they ever needed me. Right now, they don't, but if they ever do, I'm right here, okay?"

"If this is what you want, then it's what I want," Trubel said. "You could always come in every now and then on your days off. That's what Nick's doing."

"I might just do that," Eve agreed, smiling.

Trubel was happy. She liked that she could work with Nick and Eve. It reminded her of the times she used to spend with them back in the day, even though things were different now.

But people changed and everything happened for a reason.


Hey, guys! Thank you so much for reading! There's one more chapter, and I think you guys are really going to like it! Also, please comment if you want me to write another Grimm fanfiction or if you have any short story ideas you'd like me to bring to life. It can be a detailed suggestion or as vague as a single word like "Bud" or "Schneetmacher." You guys rock!


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