Chapter Two

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Nick and Hank were sitting at their desks trying to find similarities between the multiple missing persons' cases that were spread out in front of them. They had a reputation for solving complicated and strange cases, so naturally, these odd ones made their way to them.

"We know they all went missing in Forest Park," Nick stated.

"Yeah, but they were hikers, forest rangers, photographers - all different occupations," Hank pointed out.

"And races, but they were all young females," Nick said. "That and Forest Park are the only connections that we have."

"Assuming they went missing for the same reasons," Hank mentioned. "We don't have a single body even though some people have been missing for years. We don't have an M.O." He shook his head frustratedly.

"Forest Park is huge," Nick said. "Who knows how many bodies could be in there."

Hank made a disgusted face. "I never want to go hiking again," he said. Hank thought for a moment before adding. "Shouldn't they have found something by now? At least one body?"

Nick wondered about what that could mean. "Do you think it's Wesen?" Nick asked. "Wesen like Wendigos eat their victims. Maybe we're dealing with one of those."

"Or ten," Hank said, shooting the files a dirty look.

"You would say that," Wu said sarcastically as he arrived at Nick and Hank's desk. "We've got another one," he added, waving around another missing person's file before placing it on their desk with the many others. "Could be eleven Wendigos. Some detectives were at the site a few days ago. All of the crime scene photos and statements are in there." He gestured to the folder. "No bodies have been found."

"Of course not," Nick said.

Wu was about to say something else when Trubel walked into the room and joined the group at the table. "Hey, guys! What have we got? Anything involving Wesen?"

"We aren't sure," Hank said.

"What are you doing here?" Nick asked, happy to see her.

"Adalind told me that she called you at lunch, and you sounded stressed out," Trubel admitted. She looked at Nick's desk. Aside from the stacks of paperwork, there were also multiple cups of coffee. Nick always drank way too much coffee when he was nervous about something. "And now that the world isn't ending anymore, there's not a lot for me to do," she added, looking up at Nick. "I thought I'd drop by and bring this to you. It's from Adalind."

Trubel pulled out a brown lunch bag from behind her back. She set the bag on his desk.

Nick emptied the contents, finding a sandwich, cookies, some chips, and a coke.

"What about us?" Hank asked jokingly.

Trubel revealed a bag of cookies that she also held behind her back. "Adalind said I could give these to you if I thought you were brave enough."

Nick smiled when Hank and Wu exchanged nervous looks, Wu remembering eating his carpet, and Hank remembering almost dying because of Adalind's cookies.

"They look good," Hank approved, eyeing them longingly. The cookie incident was a long time ago... One bite probably wouldn't hurt.

"They are good," Trubel announced.

Nick laughed. Of course, she ate some. If there was one thing he could always rely on, it was Trubel's appetite.

"Challenge accepted," Wu said, unable to contain himself any longer. He reached for the bag and forgot everything that he was supposed to be doing at the moment as he pulled out a giant chocolate chip cookie.

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