Chapter Fifteen

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Everyone was already at the shop when Nick arrived. He handed Kelly to Eve who took him to the back room. Diana instantly walked over to Farris.

"Hi," Farris greeted happily. She kneeled down so she was Diana's height.

"You're different like Hank," Diana said, her eyes turning purple while she held Farris's hand. "You're human."

"Yes, I am," Farris said, looking at Diana's eyes curiously.

"I'm Diana," she introduced.

"Hello, Diana. I'm Janelle," Farris said.

Diana smiled before walking into the back room with Eve.

"Are we ready?" Nick asked. "Did you grab hiking gear?" he questioned Monroe.

Rosalee pointed to the pile of gear that was behind Nick. "I think we're good to go."

"Yeah, man," Monroe agreed. "I grabbed everything I could find. I found a few backpacks, a bunch of maps, a lighter, three compasses, a flashlight, a first aid kit, a Swiss army knife. I even found an altimeter," he said excitedly.

"What are we waiting for?" Hank asked enthusiastically.

"Wait," Rosalee said. She grabbed a jar off of one of the shelves and opened it. She held it up to Monroe's nose, and he took a deep sniff.

"Hmm," he said. He took another breath. "It smells... resinous, and," he smelled it again, "Somewhat sweet. Definitely plant-y like a mixture of freshly cut grass and mushrooms."

"We'll bring this with us," Rosalee said, closing the jar and tucking it into a backpack that she was wearing.

Everyone took the supplies they needed. Nick grabbed a backpack from his house, so he already had one. Monroe grabbed a backpack from the pile of hiking gear he had brought. It must have had all of the small items he was talking about because it looked like it was slightly full. Farris was also wearing a backpack with a water bottle stuffed in the side pocket. Nick handed Trubel the water he had grabbed for her, and she offered to carry the cooler for him. Hank grabbed the last backpack and put Wu's water bottle in it as well as his own.

Together the group left with all of their supplies, wearing their hiking clothes, and piled into each other's cars. Farris rode with Hank, Wu and Trubel rode in Nick's car, and Monroe and Rosalee took their Fiat.


"What are you doing?" Diana asked Eve while she looked through drawers and shelves.

"I'm looking for small glass jars," Eve said. "We're going to make something when the others come back."

"Why don't you use those?" Diana asked. Eve didn't know what she was talking about until her eyes turned purple and a drawer opened; it was full of small empty jars.

"That's a great idea," Eve said, pulling out a jar and closing the drawer.

Now she needed to find the 100 proof vodka. Rosalee said she was pretty sure she had some. Eve looked around and didn't see a bottle anywhere. Eventually, she spotted a case at the top of one of the shelves, but she couldn't reach it. Eve wasn't particularly fond of asking Diana to use her powers to get a case of alcohol for her, so she woged and eased the box off of the top shelf. It inched off slowly and almost fell to the ground, but Diana looked at it with her purple gaze to keep it from shattering.

"How come it almost fell?" Diana asked.

Eve woged back to normal. "I guess I'm out of practice," she said, snatching the box out of the air. She set it on the counter and pulled out a bottle of vodka, setting next to the jar she had picked out.

Grimm Season 6 Episode 14: In the Nick of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now