Chapter Fourteen

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Adalind parked her car in the garage and entered the elevator. She was anxious to hear about Diana's and Trubel's day. When the door opened, she found Trubel and Diana sitting at the table. Kelly was with them in his highchair. Trubel was holding a piece of pizza in one hand and a stuffed animal fox in the other. She shook the fox and made it hop around in front of Kelly, and Kelly was watching it, smiling and laughing. Trubel took a bite of her pizza and looked up as Adalind walked in.

"Hey," Trubel said with a mouthful of food.

Diana said, "Hi, Mommy," before she also bit into a piece of pizza.

"Hi, guys. How was your day?" Adalind asked.

Diana hopped down from the chair she was sitting in after setting down her piece of pizza on a plate. "Great!" she said, running to Adalind and giving her a hug.

"That's great, honey," Adalind said, holding Diana in her arms. Adalind looked up at the table and saw two boxes of pizza. "I guess you're not hungry."

"Nope, Aunty Trubel ordered pizza," Diana said. Adalind shot Trubel an amused look upon finding out that Nick's nickname for her stuck. Trubel grinned and shrugged.

"I got a half cheese, half Hawaiian one because I know Nick likes that one," Trubel said, pointing to an unopened box of pizza. "And all of the pizzas have that white garlic sauce instead of tomato sauce because I know you're allergic, and I wasn't sure if Diana was."

"We got a bacon pizza, too," Diana said, looking at an almost empty pizza box.

"Sorry, Adalind," Trubel apologized. "I know you hate bacon," she said, remembering the day that Adalind turned herself into Juliette and told Trubel, "Whatever, I hate bacon."

"That's okay," Adalind said, setting her purse down on the kitchen counter. "You guys seem to be enjoying it, and I like cheese pizza."

Adalind walked over to Kelly and asked, "How's my big man?"

"He's good, I think. We were just playing with Mr. Fuchsbau," Trubel said, wiggling the fox stuffed animal in her hand.

"Foozbow," Kelly giggled.

"I think he's trying to say Fuchsbau," Trubel said, giving the fox to Kelly. Kelly giggled again and pet the fox in his lap.

Adalind looked surprised.

"That isn't his first word, right?" Trubel asked, sounding slightly concerned. She would have felt bad if she was there to witness Kelly's first word and Nick wasn't.

"No, his first word was 'Grimm,'" Adalind said, smiling and shaking her head. "I told Nick to stop saying that in front of him."

Trubel stifled a laugh.

Suddenly, Adalind's phone rang. She answered it with, "Hi, Nick."

Trubel could hear Nick on the other end. "Hi, I'm on my way home," he said.

"Okay. There's pizza waiting. Trubel ordered it," Adalind told him.

"That sounds really good," Nick approved. He sounded hungry. "Did Trubel get my Hawaiian pizza?"

"Yep," Adalind said, smiling at Trubel.

"Okay, well make sure she doesn't eat it all in the next five minutes," Nick said.

"Hey!" Trubel yelled, pretending to be offended. "I heard that!"

"It's okay, Nick. She already ate a whole bacon pizza with Diana," Adalind comforted.

"You'd be surprised how much she can eat," Nick warned. Trubel glared at the phone.

"I'll guard your pizza with my life," Adalind promised. "See you soon."

Grimm Season 6 Episode 14: In the Nick of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now