Chapter Eighteen

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When they reached Forest Park, Farris led the way on a trail that would take them to the scene of the crime.

"They said Jorge came out of the woods from this direction," Farris said, pointing into the woods. The group started walking in that direction.

As night fell and darkness surrounded them, the group worried more and more that they wouldn't be able to find the cabin and save Jordan. However, they kept searching; they weren't giving up yet.

"We have to find this thing," Trubel said. "The stuff I drank is going to wear off in a few hours."

"Monroe and I didn't pick all of the flowers. We can always make more," Rosalee offered.

"No. No way," Trubel said, determined. "We are finding the cabin tonight, and I am not drinking more of that stuff."

"Does anyone have any idea where we are or what direction we've been heading?" Wu asked.

A few people said, "No."

"Then, we're lost," Wu said. "The cabin should be right here."

Suddenly, Farris said, "I think we should go here," and started walking. Hank ran after her because she was already walking away from the group.

"Why?" he asked.

"I don't know," she said. "I just think we should."

Hank looked over at Nick who seemed as questioning as he was. "Okay," Hank gave in. The group changed its course to follow Farris.

They kept walking until Nick said, "Wait."

Everyone stopped.

"Do you hear that?" he asked. Everyone exchanged a confused look.

"What?" Rosalee asked.

"Birds," Nick said. "Lots of them."

"I don't hear anything," Trubel said. Why did Nick have better hearing than she did?! She was jealous, despite the fact she knew the horrific answer - Nick had almost been blinded permanently by a Jinnamuru Xunte and was also turned into a zombie by someone working for the Royals. Trubel didn't want to experience either of those things, but she still thought it would be cool to have super hearing like Nick.

"It's coming from that way," Nick said, pointing in the direction that they had been walking. They started moving again. Eventually, everyone started hearing the birds.

"They sound so pretty," Farris said, enamored by the birds' calls.

"Anyone else thinking this is really freaky?" Wu asked.

"Yes," the group agreed, all except Farris. Farris picked up her pace and everyone started questioning her self-control as she wandered closer to the bird calls.

"This has to be the Hexenbiest spell," Nick told Hank. Hank looked concerned. "Janelle," he yelled, running after Farris. She didn't stop.

"Come on, guys," Farris said.

"Janelle," Hank said, grabbing her arm to keep her from continuing. "Maybe you should stay back here. I'll wait with you," he offered.

"I'm coming," Farris said.

"I think-" Hank began.

"I'm coming," she repeated.

"Dude, I'm sure it will be fine. We'll just keep an eye on her," Monroe said.

"Then, let's keep going," Farris announced as she started walking again.

A few minutes after that, Wu asked, "You guys see that, too, right?" Wu was pointing at something glowing between trees in the distance.

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