Chapter Ten

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Trubel parked her motorcycle in the underground lot and made her way to the elevator with an armful of Grimm books. When the doors opened and the men guarding the gate greeted her, she nodded and walked straight to her room. She would leave the books there.

She left her room and twisted her way down various hallways until she reached the door of the room that she was instructed to go to. It had once been a conference room, but Trubel wasn't sure if it still was. She knocked on the door and heard a British voice respond, "Come in." It didn't sound familiar.

Trubel walked into the room and saw two men sitting opposite of each other at one end of a long table. They both looked up as she entered the room. The man with a scruffy face and piercing blue eyes walked over to greet Trubel. He had lighter hair than the man who had been sitting across from him. Trubel suspected that it had once been blonde but has since faded to a light brown. The man held out his hand and said in the same voice that had asked Trubel to come in, "Hello, Theresa Rubel. My name is Ian Harmon. I am the new leader of the Portland Compound." In other words, he was Meisner's replacement.

Trubel knew the day that Meisner was forgotten was coming, but any day still felt too soon. Trubel tried not to think about it.

"Call me Trubel," she said bluntly, shaking Ian's hand.

"And you can call me Ian," he responded. "This is Alexander," he added casually, motioning to a man with dark, slightly curly hair and sharp features. Alexander stood up and walked over to shake Trubel's hand. "It's nice to finally meet you, Trubel," he said.

Finally? Had he been waiting long?

"I'm surprised I haven't heard more about you," Alexander added. He had a British accent like Ian did.

"Why?" Trubel asked. Her eyes narrowed with confusion.

"You're friends with Burkhardt, yes?" Alexander questioned. "And his friends?"

Trubel looked suspiciously back and forth between Alexander and Ian. She didn't like it when people asked her about her friends. It made her feel protective of them. She remembered how she intentionally hadn't told Chavez that Nick was a Grimm.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Trubel asked, ignoring Alexander's question.

"Have a seat," Ian said. Alexander walked around the table and sat where he had been sitting before. Ian pulled out a chair at the head of the table for Trubel to sit before moving to sit in the chair he had been sitting in earlier. Trubel sat down and waited for them to answer her question.

"I was just talking to Alexander about what our next moves should be for Hadrian's Wall and the Wesen Council."

"But the Wesen Council is wiped out," Trubel said, confused.

"Not entirely," Alexander said. "I am the single remaining member. I was the only one to survive the attack from Black Claw."

"And now that Black Claw is mostly extinct, Alexander and I have been working together to decide what our goals for the future should be," Ian said.

"Then, why do you need me here?" Trubel asked.

"We heard about some of your achievements. Your work for HW has been impressive," Alexander said.

"And we know your friends," Ian added.

"You know them, too?" Trubel asked Ian. Who were these people?

Ian, though he was usually talented and keeping his emotionless and business-like mask in place, let a handful of mixed emotions contort his face. "I have met Nick, Monroe, and Rosalee. I used to be a member of the Resistance and often worked with Rosalee's brother Freddie. Rosalee and I also used to be close."

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