Chapter Eleven

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It was the next morning. Nick was getting ready for work, and so was Adalind. They were rushing through the motions of taking showers, getting dressed, and eating breakfast so they had time to talk to Trubel when she got there.

Eventually, they heard her motorcycle and then the elevator. Diana was eating breakfast at the counter while Nick and Adalind waited for the elevator door to open.

Trubel was met by their anxious faces. "Hey, guys," she greeted. She looked them over. "Is everything alright?" she asked.

"Yeah," Nick and Adalind said too quickly and at the same time. They exchanged nervous looks.

"Okay," Trubel said, not convinced. "Well, I'm here so I guess you guys are good to go."

"We want to show you a few things first," Adalind said. She led Trubel over to the fridge and showed her the food that she prepared for Trubel and Diana. She also showed Trubel Kelly's food and told her how often he ate. Adalind and Nick continued their tour of basic babysitting essentials for a long time. They repeated themselves a lot, too, and Trubel might have gotten frustrated if she didn't understand how worried they were about their children. Instead, Trubel answered with, "Okay," and "I got it," and "Alright."

"Nick's driving me to work, so there's a car in the garage if you and the kids want to go somewhere," Adalind said. "No motorcycles," she added more sternly.

"What?!" Trubel said, pretending to be offended.

Adalind looked like she was going to have a heart attack, but Nick was smiling.

"Kidding!" Trubel assured. "No motorcycle. Got it."

"And there's money in the jar on the counter, so if you need it for food or anything, feel free to use it," Adalind said.

"There're toys and games lying around here, too," Nick said. "So if you need something to do-"

"And call if anything happens. Anything!" Adalind said.

"Okay, okay," Trubel said. "I got it."

"Okay," Adalind took a deep breath. "Then, we will see you tonight. I should be home by 6:00 at the latest. Sean is driving me home."

Trubel nodded.

"I don't know when I'll be back, but I'll try to hurry," Nick promised.

"Don't worry about it," Trubel said. "We're good here, right Diana?"

Diana laughed.

"Good. Alright," Nick said. He looked at Diana. "Be nice to Aunty Trubel, okay?"

Trubel looked at him like he was a crazy person. When did he start calling her that? She would have to ask Diana later...

"Okay, Nick," Diana promised.

"You be good, too," Nick told Kelly. Then, he looked back up at Trubel and Diana. "See you guys tonight."

"See ya," Trubel and Diana said at the same time.

Nick and Adalind smiled. "I'll see you later, honey. Be good," she told Diana. "Bye, Kelly," she added quietly. She and Nick walked into the elevator and went off to work.

"What do you want to do first?" Trubel asked Diana excitedly.

"We should read the books you brought," Diana said.

Trubel laughed nervously. The Grimm books were in the garage still. Trubel never brought them up, but somehow Diana knew they were there...


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