Chapter Sixteen

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Hank was stumbling over logs and tripping on rocks. Usually, he was able to catch himself, but one time he slipped on some moss and landed in the mud while Farris looked on and laughed at him.

"Yeah, you keep laughing," Hank grumbled. "But, don't expect me to help you when you fall."

Farris grinned and helped Hank to his feet. As the hike went on, Hank couldn't help noticing how gracefully and powerfully Farris moved through the forest.

"Do you do this a lot?" Hank asked from behind her as she trekked through the greenery.

"Oh, yeah! I love this stuff," Farris said. "It was something I used to do all the time with my ex-husband. I still go hiking whenever I get the chance."

"No offense," Hank began. "But, why?" As if on cue, he tripped over another rock and caught himself on a tree before he could fall.

"It keeps me healthy, and something about it relaxes me. You'd probably like it more if you had more experience," Farris said, watching Hank brush his hands off on his pants. "Or if we were actually staying on the trail.

"Maybe," Hank said skeptically. Farris grinned at him, and they both started walking again. They looked at the ground as they walked and talked, searching for the plant.

"So, what was it like for you when you found out?" Farris asked him.

"It was... strange. Before Nick told me, I thought I was losing my mind. I put bullet holes in my closet when nothing was there, I couldn't sleep. I probably should have been institutionalized," Hank said, sounding embarrassed. "I didn't think I could talk to anyone about it, so for a while, it was me against the world."

"What happened?" Farris asked softly.

"I eventually lost it when I was working a case with Nick. One of the victims woged, and I almost shot them. Nick had to stop me and explain to me that what I saw was real," Hank explained. "After that, there was definitely a learning curve. It took a while to figure out who's what and that, sometimes, you just don't know. Luckily, Nick was a good teacher. Part of me is happy that he was there for me and another part thinks I wouldn't have seen what I saw if I weren't working with a Wesen magnet."

"So, you and Nick are pretty close?" Farris clarified.

"Yeah, Nick and I go way back. We're partners, but we're also friends which doesn't always happen. I trust him and he trusts me, and that's why I find myself in a dangerous situation every week," Hank said, sounding exasperated.

"Sounds exciting," Farris joked. "Maybe you should have your own TV show."

Hank laughed. "I'd be up for it as long as I don't get killed off," he said, grinning.

Farris smiled back before growing more serious, "How do you handle all of this? Working with a Grimm can't be easy."

Hank was starting to realize that Farris was reminding him of Zuri. When she dated him for the benefit of Black Claw, all she ever talked about was Nick...

"It's not. Sometimes it's hard to know who and what to trust," he said seriously.

"Well, hopefully, I can trust you because I'm going to need someone to show me the ropes," Farris said. Hank liked the sound of that.

He trusted Farris a lot more than he trusted Zuri. Of course, Farris would ask a lot of questions about Wesen and Grimm; she recently discovered the world she knew was completely different than the world she actually lived in. That made someone's head spin, and Hank knew it.

"The best way to learn is by working on cases. The fact that you're here tells me that you're going to fit right in," Hank said happily.

"Have you told a lot of people about... everything?" Farris asked.

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