Chapter Nine

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Hank had gotten home, taken a shower, put on a TV show that he didn't like, and was now digging through his cavernous fridge to find something to eat. It was basically empty because he hadn't had time to go to the store, so he turned his attention to his freezer. He eyed the mass of frozen dinners for a while before pulling about a macaroni dish. It was one of his favorites, especially when he was tried because all he had to do was put it in the microwave, stir it halfway through, and then it was done.

He placed the macaroni in the microwave and set the timer. He absentmindedly watched it turn in circles as he waited for it to be done. Every now and then, looking on as his frozen dinner cooked, he would gain some understanding about his existence - like how he didn't want to live off of frozen dinners for the rest of his life. He felt lonely. Most of his friends had someone in their lives that would cook for them and love them. Of course, Eve and Trubel didn't have a significant other, but Eve didn't seem like she wanted one and neither did Trubel for the time being. Wu might not have anyone either, but he, at least, wasn't just another boring human. Hank felt ridiculous for envying Wu's lycanthrope scratch side effects, but it didn't change his mind about the way he felt.

He rolled his eyes to himself, not really paying attention to his dinner anymore. He was lost in thought. He wanted someone. Or, at least, he wanted things to be different. He was now the last normal human in the group. He felt like his life was boring and somewhat sad. Everyone's lives seemed to be progressing in some direction or another except for his. Here he was, alone, making a frozen dinner like he had done every night for the past six years. Sometimes he just wanted to shoot himself - not really, but he was frustrated, to say the least.

The microwave beeped. Hank looked up realizing he forgot to stir his dinner halfway through like he was supposed to. He cussed under his breath, pulled the tray out of the microwave, and found that the edges of the macaroni were burned while the center was a macaroni ice cube.

Hank probably would have been angrier if his fuming hadn't been interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Hank looked at the time on the microwave. It was 10:30. Nick was the only one that ever called that late, and it usually wasn't a good sign when he did.

Hank fished his phone out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID. Surprisingly it wasn't Nick. He didn't recognize the number.

Hank answered the phone quickly. "Detective Griffin," Hank said.

"Hi, Detective," the female voice said. "It's me Deputy Farris."

Hank was confused. Why would she be calling him at 10:30 at night? "I haven't seen you since that Mishipeshu case," Hank said, not knowing how else to respond.

"Yeah," Farris said, sounding somewhat uncomfortable. Hank noticed and wondered what he had said wrong.

"Did you need something?" Hank asked. He was leaning on his counter, trying to look calm and relaxed despite the fact that Farris couldn't see him. Maybe if he looked calm, he could sound calm... That was his theory.

"I wanted to talk to you about another case," she said. "It's strange kind of like the others you and I have worked on. I was one of the first responders on this missing persons' case in Forest Park. A man claimed that his fiance was kidnapped, but it gets a little more complicated than that."

"Nick and I are actually working on that case right now," Hank said excitedly. He would be able to help Farris with whatever she needed which was good. "Jorge Thompson said his fiance was taken by witches and birds," he added, trying to sound like he didn't believe it like any normal person would react.

"What do you think about it?" Farris asked bluntly. Something about her tone was starting to make him suspicious.

"About Jorge?" Hank asked for clarification.

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