Chapter Nineteen

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Monroe and Rosalee used their sense of smell to follow the trail of where they had come from. They eventually made their way back to the road and back to their cars. Monroe and Rosalee were only able to fit a few people in their Fiat, Nick, and Trubel took Gina and Olivia in their car, and Hank and Farris took a few girls with them. Wu called Franco and drove with him and the rest of the girls to the precinct.

They worked as a team to finish up the rest of the case. Wu and Hank took statements from the victims, Nick wrote up a less than truthful police report, Farris and Renard sorted out Jorge's release from the mental institution in Spokane, and Franco called friends and family of the victims to deliver the news. Monroe and Rosalee talked to the girls, trying to console them until their friends and family could pick them up. They explained to the girls that monsters and creatures weren't real and that Gina had drugged them so that they would hallucinate; it was easier and healthier than telling them that what they saw was real. All of the girls were mentally and physically exhausted, so they were all receptive to what Monroe and Rosalee were telling them.

Trubel had headed back to the shop to tell Eve what happened and help her close the store.


Franco hung up the phone and sighed. "Finally finished the last call," he said. "Ms. Graham's parents are coming to pick her up," he told the group. Hank and Wu had also finished their job talking to the victims and taking their statements. They were helping Nick construct his report.

"I'm going on a coffee run. Stumptown donated some coffee for that fundraiser a few weeks ago, and I know where we keep it," Franco said. "You guys want anything?"

Nick, Hank, Farris, and Wu said, "Yes," at the same time. Franco made an exhausted and hopeless expression. "I'll come with you," Wu offered, and Franco looked relieved. They started walking down the hall.

"I guess it's a good thing I cleaned out the coffee maker today," Franco said.

"Hey, that's my job!" Wu said, pretending to be offended.

Franco laughed before growing more serious, "It used to be before you started working on those weird cases with Nick. Seriously, what's up with that?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Wu asked.

"C'mon, Drew," Franco said. "Doesn't it feel like these cases are getting weirder and weirder? I mean, Chupacabras, people getting their throats ripped out, and now people getting kidnapped in the woods by someone they claimed was a witch."

"Portland is definitely being kept weird, I can admit to that much" Wu agreed, remembering a Portland motto, "Keep Portland Weird."

"Sometimes I don't even know what to think about this stuff," Franco admitted. He and Wu arrived at the coffee machine and started making coffee as they talked. Wu worked on making hot chocolate for the kidnapping victims. "You know, sometimes it just feels like I'm missing something," Franco said.

Wu knew the feeling. "It's all part of the job. The trick is being able to handle it."

"Yeah, I guess..." Franco said. "It just gets to you sometimes." He thought to himself quietly before looking at Wu and asking, "What was it that got to you?"

"Which time?" Wu asked jokingly.

"Look, Drew, there's no judgment here, okay. I just remember when you went to that institution for a few days and when you punched that guy in the bar, and I'm just curious," Franco asked.

"Don't worry about it, man," Wu said. "The first time, I was overwhelmed about my friend getting attacked, especially since I was the one that told her to move to Portland. The other time... I think you're right about the cases getting to you because that's what happened to me."

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