Chapter Seven

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Hank drove everyone back to the precinct. Wu drove off with a stack of Grimm books on his passenger's seat. Nick saw him yawning as he turned out of the parking lot. Hank also left, waving at Nick and Trubel - who were parked next to each other - as he drove away.

"See you later, Nick," Trubel said as she straddled her motorcycle. She was about to put on her helmet when Nick stopped her.

"Why don't you come back with me to the loft. Adalind made dinner," Nick said. Even though Trubel had been back in town for a week, they hadn't really had the chance to catch up in any significant way. Trubel had been working at HW most of the time she was in Portland to finish tying up loose ends.

Trubel missed Nick, of course, and eating a home cooked dinner rather than HW slop sounded appealing. Despite that, Trubel still hesitated. After everything that she had been through, she still shied away from becoming too attached to any one person or lifestyle. Nick suspected that was one of the reasons she was with HW most of the time.

"I don't know. I should probably get going," she said. She really was trying hard to keep her distance, but it was hard and she could feel herself losing the battle - like when she offered to help Nick with his case.

"HW will call if they need you, right?" Nick asked. "You can take your motorcycle and leave whenever you want."

Trubel made a face like her mind was thinking in two different, confusing directions.

"Please," Nick said.

Trubel rolled her eyes and grinned slightly. "Fine, I'll see you there." She lifted her helmet and said, "Try not to get in any wrecks," before she put it on and sped away.

Nick looked at her with narrowed eyes, pretending to be angry, and watched her speed away before climbing into his car. He would have raced her, but he knew she would win, so he didn't try.


Trubel was leaning against the metal wall of the house with her motorcycle, waiting for Nick. He eventually pulled up and Trubel said, "Where have you been?"

Nick opened the garage door after asking Trubel if she was going to come in or if she was just going to stay outside and gloat. When Nick parked, he and Trubel walked into the elevator together.

The door opened and the two Grimms looked on at Adalind, Kelly, and Diana all together in the kitchen.

"Welcome home," She greeted Nick before noticing the figure next to him. "Trubel!" Adalind said with surprise. "Nick didn't tell me you were coming."

"Sorry. I didn't know I was coming, either," Trubel said.

Adalind smiled, "Well, as always, we're happy to have you. Did Nick get his lunch?"

"Yep," Nick replied. He walked up to Adalind and kissed her. "Thank you."

"Wu and Hank went to town on the cookies," Trubel added, not mentioning that she helped them finish the entire bag.

"Great," Adalind said. "So, how was your day?" she asked Nick.

"The usual" Nick said, mock optimistically.

"Uh-oh," Adalind said. "Do you want to talk about it?" Nick looked at the children and said, "We should probably do that later." Adalind looked at the kids with understanding. "And how was your day?" Nick asked her.

"Normal," Adalind said. "Which isn't normal." Nick and she exchanged grins.

During their conversation, Trubel decided to set the table with plates, silverware, and cups. It was the only thing she could think of that would keep her from interrupting Nick and Adalind's moment.

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