Chapter Three

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"Wake up, sleepy," a young woman said softly, tapping Jordan's shoulder. "It's time to get up. There's a lot to do."

Jordan opened her eyes and blinked the light away. She still felt strange like her thoughts didn't belong to her. It was like her mind was a group of impulses rather than words. She couldn't think about the strangeness of her situation, she couldn't form questions in her head with any kind of clarity; instead, she felt like something about where she was living was right as if she had belonged there her whole life. She was full of acceptance for her situation. Looking at the woman in front of her, Jordan could see that she felt the same way. Something about it felt good... even with the nagging and subtle anxiety swirling around in the back of her head.

"I'm Cara," the woman said, smiling.

Jordan sat up and said, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Jordan." Upon saying her name, Jordan felt a deep ache somewhere in her consciousness. She tried to understand what she was feeling, but couldn't quite comprehend it. It felt like she was forgetting something, but it also felt a little like she had lost something... someone.

Jordan was distracted from her thoughts when Cara's face rippled until it was coated with a thick layer of bright, yellow canary feathers. Jordan didn't know how or why, but she somehow followed Cara's lead, only she was covered in light brown feathers.

They looked at each other for a moment, sort of twitching their heads back and forth like smaller birds sometimes did. Cara took a deep breath and transformed back into her human state. Jordan took a breath, but her appearance didn't change. Jordan stood up and walked to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. Cara followed her.

"You'll a get a hang of it," Cara promised as they both stared at Jordan's birdlike reflection in the mirror. "It takes some getting used to."

Jordan ran her hand through her feathers and traced her narrow beak with her fingers. "Gina," Jordan said. "Did she do this to me?"

"She did it for you," Cara said happily. "This is who you are and this is who you should be. Gina says she has a sixth sense about these things. She can see us the way we really are," Cara explained. She smiled at Jordan, and Jordan smiled back.

Her face rippled again, returning her to her human form.

"You did it!" Cara said excitedly. She took Jordan's hand excitedly and led her out of the bathroom. As they ran up the stairs happily, Cara said, "Gina wants me to show you what we do here."

When they reached the main level of the cabin, Jordan looked around and saw all of the girls that she had seen earlier. Some were dusting, some were sweeping, some were wiping down tables, and others were cooking.

The old woman emerged from the crowd and said, "Good morning, dear. How do you feel?"

"Um," Jordan thought.

"You feel good," Gina said. "Don't you?"

Jordan smiled and nodded.

"Everyone," Gina announced to the room of young women. "This is Naeva," she introduced, gesturing to Jordan.

"My name isn't-" Jordan began to say.

"It is, now," Gina said decidedly. "It's beautiful, and fits the new you perfectly," she said. She put her hands on Jordan's face, and Jordan involuntarily morphed into her bird-like state. "It means born of night," Gina said proudly.

"I liked my name," Jordan said, morphing again, returning to her human form.

Gina grabbed Jordan's chin aggressively and possessively before transforming into a Hexenbiest. Her decayed face was even more twisted and wrinkled with the disapproving expression she wore. "You should be grateful for what I give you," she growled.

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