Chapter Twelve

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Trubel brought the Grimm books up from the garage and set them on the counter. She had brought them to Nick's house in the hopes of helping with the case while also helping with the children. Diana was waiting expectantly for the books with a smile. She walked up to them, placed her hand on the pile, and looked at them with purple eyes.

"These are really old," she said.

"Yeah," Trubel agreed. "They are." She walked over to Diana. "You know, these aren't really kid books. I think you would have more fun if I read you something else."

"No, I like these books." Diana turned her purple eyes away from the book mound and looked at Trubel. "Your eyes are like Nick's," she said. "And my other mommy's." Trubel realized that Diana must have been talking about Nick's mom, Kelly.

"Do you know why?" Trubel asked to test what Diana knew about Wesen and Grimms.

Diana looked back towards the counter. The books started floating in the air.

"Diana," Trubel reprimanded. "You need to be careful. Some of them are fragile."

"I know," Diana said. She floated a book out of the group of levitating books so that it was in front of her and Trubel. It was the Grimm ancestry book. 

Uh-oh! That was the most important one out of all of them. If something happened to it...

"See," Diana said. She let the book fall. Before it even had contact with the ground, it disappeared in a flash of purple sparks the same color as Diana's eyes. It was gone which Diana apparently thought was better than a few pages falling out or the binding getting a little skewed from the book falling on the ground... Trubel looked on as the most valuable book disappeared out of existence. That was very bad.

"Diana," Trubel warned. "That was a very important book. Where did it go?"

"It's over there," Diana said. She pointed behind her without looking in that direction. The Grimm ancestry book was sitting on the table, undamaged, open to the Kessler page. Diana carefully lowered the rest of the floating books back onto the counter until they were in a neater pile than they had been in before. Diana walked over to the table with the Grimm ancestry book and sat down. Trubel followed, her mouth hanging open with awe and horror.

"This is why your eyes are the same," Diana said, pointing at the Kessler page. "You're related."

"Yeah," Trubel admitted. "We are all Grimms because we're related to the first Grimms." Trubel sat down at the table next to Diana.

"No," Diana said.

"No, what?" Trubel asked.

Diana's eyes turned purple again and Trubel wondered how long she could keep up the babysitting Diana thing. Diana put her hand approximately where Trubel's heart would be. Trubel was weirded out, but she didn't flinch. Diana pulled her hand away and caught a pen that suddenly hurtled through the air towards her hand. Without hesitation, Diana started writing in the Grimm ancestry book.

"You aren't really supposed to draw in these books," Trubel said. "Why don't we get some crayons and paper," she suggested.

"I'm almost done," Diana said innocently. Trubel was sure that Nick was going to see whatever Diana had drawn on his important family tree, and he was not going to be happy. "There," Diana said. Trubel grabbed the side of the book and slid it towards herself until she could see what Diana had done. Trubel eyed the page and saw that Diana had written, "Theresa 'Trubel' Rubel" in perfect, correctly spelled, beautiful handwriting. Trubel saw that her name connected to a few names up the tree from Nick's.

"What did you do?" she asked gently and curiously.

"I finished it," Diana said, pointing to the book. "That's where you go."

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