Chapter Six

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It was hours after the Spice Shop was supposed to be closed, and Monroe and Rosalee were waiting for Nick to show up.

"Should we call them?" Monroe asked. He was pacing around anxiously, checking out the window from time to time. He would walk over to the counter, straighten out a jar, walk back to the window and check outside, walk into the back room, and walk up to the window again.

"They said they would be here in a few hours," Rosalee comforted. "Let's give them a little more time."

"Right," Monroe nodded. "They'll be here." He didn't sound convinced.

He and Rosalee both got nervous when meetings didn't go as planned. The world they lived in with Nick and the others was a dangerous one, and it wasn't hard to imagine something bad happening to someone they cared about. When people were late, it usually meant something had gone wrong.

Monroe was about to ignore his conscience and his wife by picking up the phone when he heard a car pull up outside.

"That must be them," Monroe said with a sigh of relief.

Nick filed into the shop with Hank, Wu, and Trubel following behind him.

"Hey, guys," Monroe greeted as he met them at the door. Rosalee, moving out from behind the counter, smiled at them.

Nick looked around at piles of cardboard, bubble wrap, and plastic packaging. Then, his eyes traveled through the room, taking in the assembled toys and other items for children. "What have you guys been doing?" he asked.

"Monroe picked up some baby items at the store today. We thought we would try to put everything together while we had some extra time in between customers," Rosalee explained. Monroe walked over and showed Nick one of three woodland critter baby mobiles. He was proud of the fact that he and Rosalee had been able to finish them.

"Take a look at these, man," Monroe said excitedly.

"That's great," Nick agreed, examining Monroe's work. "They're like Kelly's."

"Even though Kelly's was nearly impossible to put together, I liked how it turned out," Monroe admitted. "I think I have it down, though. If I ever have to put another one of these -"

Rosalee interrupted him. "It took some teamwork," Rosalee said. "But that's enough about that. I know you didn't come down here to talk about baby mobiles."

"Not really," Nick confessed. He shot glances in Hank, Wu, and Trubel's direction. They were waiting for Nick to get on with it. "We need help with a missing persons' case."

"What do you need our help with?" Monroe asked, not really sure how their knowledge was relevant to a missing persons' case.

"Can people become Wesen?" Trubel asked.

"You mean Kehrseite?" Rosalee clarified.

"Yeah," Hank said.

"I'm not really sure," Rosalee said. "It wouldn't surprise me if a powerful being or spell could have a side effect that led to the creation of a Wesen-like being, but anything more than that..."

"But it could be possible?" Hank asked.

Rosalee shrugged. "I've never specifically heard of Wesen being created before. Even Hexenbiests aren't technically Wesen, so what happened to Juliette doesn't really qualify."

"And neither do I because I'm not a type of Wesen, right?" Wu asked.

"Exactly," Rosalee said. "And if you're asking me if someone like Hank, for example, could become an actual Blutbad or Reinigen, I couldn't say that it's possible."

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