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A few months later...

Nick pulled out his phone and dialed quickly. The phone rang once before someone picked it up.

"Hey, man," Monroe answered. "What's up?"

"I need help," Nick said quickly. "Get to my house as fast as you can. Bring everyone."

"Is today the day?" Monroe asked nervously.

"Yes," Nick answered seriously.

"Oh my, God!" Monroe yelled, clearly panicking.

"Hurry," Nick begged before hanging up the phone.

When the line went dead, Monroe started scrolling through his contacts, looking for the right people who could help.


Monroe pulled his car up to Nick's loft, parked it, and quickly jumped out. He jogged all the way up to the elevator, climbed inside, and bounced in place anxiously as he waited for it to go up. When the elevator stopped, Monroe threw open the door, finding a nervous Nick pacing around while Trubel sat calmly at the counter.

"Dude," Monroe said, watching Nick quickly move from side to side. Nick looked up and ran over to Monroe.

"Are they coming?" he asked nervously.

"Oh, yeah," Monroe assured, sounding as anxious as Nick. "They'll be here, man."

Nick let out a long breath of relief and nodded.

"Nick, would you relax?" Trubel told him laughing. "We're just decorating your house, it's not like the world's ending or anything."

"I'm not worried about the house," Nick whined. He pulled a small black box out of his pocket and popped it open, exposing the engagement ring that was hidden inside.

"Oh, boy," Monroe sighed worriedly.

Trubel gave him a confused look before she suddenly became mad. "Oh my, God, Nick! You told Monroe you were getting engaged before you told me?!" She quickly snatched the box out of Nick's hand, examining its contents. "Nice rock," she blurted out.

Nick took the box back and stuffed it in his pocket. "Everything needs to be perfect. We're running out of time."

Nick had shut off his security system because he expected company; that was why they all heard the elevator come up before knowing anyone had arrived. When the door opened, Hank, Farris, and Wu were revealed. They walked into the house and looked back and forth between the very flustered Monroe and Nick and the eerily calm Trubel.

"We have a lot of work to do," Wu said, looking around at the loft.

Hank looked over at Nick. "Nick, you okay?"

"He's going to ask Adalind to marry him when we're done beautifying his house," Trubel said.

"What?!" Wu yelled while Hank said, "Oh, man."

"That's great," Farris said, the only one seemed happy rather than surprised or scared to death.

"You're doing this for real?" Hank asked.

"Thinking about it," Nick said, sounding like he was choking.

"Look at this guy," Wu announced. "Fights monsters every day but is afraid to ask the woman he loves to marry him."

"It didn't exactly work out last time," Nick said, remembering when Juliette refused to marry him. Farris didn't know what Nick meant and was pretty sure it would be bad if she asked for clarification. She looked over at Hank who gave her a look that said, "I'll explain later."

Grimm Season 6 Episode 14: In the Nick of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now