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"Please let me go."

"No don't. Don't touch me."

"Please. I'm begging you."

I begged for them to stop. But they won't listen.

"Kihyun, where did you put my ramyeon at?" Wonho shouted as he rummaged through the kitchen cupboard.

"You had the last cup yesterday." Kihyun yelled back from the living room.

"I swear I still have some left."

"All gone." The shorter male walked into the kitchen.

"Darn it. I need them."

"You know they aren't healthy for you."

"But I can't focus without them."

"Then go buy it. The store is just around the corner."


"And get me some snacks too." The shorter male said before walking back to the living room.

"They aren't healthy for you too." Wonho managed to bark before he was out of the door.

They are already on their second year of college. Kihyun's taking on Chemistry major while Hyunwoo and Wonho both are Music major. They are doing okay in college, well Kihyun is doing great. That boy is an excellent student, too excellent to be exact, probably a genius. That small hamster excelled in every class that he took but back at home he is still their naggy mom, that's what Wonho calls him every time that small guy went overboard with cleaning and cooking for them.

Hyunwoo is currently out, probably at his boyfriend, Minhyuk's place. Hyunwoo got into sport and is now in the college swim team. That was how he got to know Minhyuk. Well who thought Hyunwoo would be the first to get a boyfriend before him and Kihyun, the big guy is handsome sure but too shy and awkward. Minhyuk's cool, a nice guy, too bright at times but he's good, Wonho likes him too. He remembered how bold Minhyuk was when he was pursuing Hyunwoo and how happy they were when Hyunwoo finally accepted his love. Wonho was happy that it worked out for the both of them.

The night was chilly. Wonho was glad that he was wearing his hoodies. He quickly opened the front door and went inside as he reached the store. He smiled at the cashier before going to the back to grab few cups of his favourite ramyeon as fast as he can so that he can go back to his cosy bedroom. He paid for them and pulled up his hoodies to cover his head before he walked out of the place with a plastic bag full of cup ramyeon.

He was walking in fast pace when he heard some people talking in the dark alley. Wonho stopped. He saw few figures standing in the alley. One seemed to be cornered by the other three. Part of him was telling himself to run but the stupid part of him told him that he should help. That's how Wonho is. He stood there to listen to them.

"He sent us to give a message to you." The guys hissed.

"Well was he afraid to send the message himself?" The guy that was cornered said.

"You dare to mock him."

"Why won't I?"

"Stay away from what that is not yours."

"What is not mine is also not his." The guy laughed.

"Insolent." The other guy raised his hand before Wonho stepped in trying to shield the guy that was cornered.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. Don't need to raise a hand here." Wonho said before he turned to the guy that was behind him to whisper. He realized the guy is taller than him and the other three are huge.

"You ok? Wanna call the cop?" But the guy only smirked.

"This mortal dares to interrupt us." The guys in front of him laughed. The laugh sends chills down Wonho's spine. What did he just got himself into. Everything happened too quickly. He felt pain on his left side and when he looked down he saw red blood stains spreading throughout his hoodies, he can't feel his hands and he collapsed.

"No." Someone said. The collapsed boy heard few hisses and growls, and the sound of something snapped before he passed out.    

170728 I'm like screw this i'm posting chapter 1. LOL 

And of course its about Wonho and his love for ramyeon. I'm so classic. Ugh. 

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