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WARNING: This chapter is a bit gore with fluff at the end. Enjoy.

Hyungwon and Minhyuk appeared at a rather luxurious looking office furnished with leather sofa, leather chair, leathers on everything. A huge painting was hanging up on the wall behind the study desk, perfectly capturing the owner's cunning smile on its canvas. Hyungwon winced at the choices of furniture, the owner seemed to have a bad taste on interior design. The office chair turned revealing the owner that was sitting on it.

"Hyungwon! How much of a fool can you be appearing here like this?" The guy smirked and ten more figures appeared magically to surround them.

"How imprudent can you be to send those weaklings to attack me at the alley?" Hyungwon snapped his fingers and those dark figures disappeared along with the smirk that was on the guy's face.

"Guessed you didn't get my message clear enough?"

"Oh I get them loud and clear. So I figured you would want a reply from me." Hyungwon raised his right hand and the guy that was sitting was now hovering in the air, forcefully pushed and pinned onto the painting behind him, unable to move a limb, his eye widened with disbelief.

"How dare you-" The guy snarled before blood started to leaked out of his eye sockets, trickling down slowly like tears but the colour was dark red almost black. The guy choked and struggled as even more blood gushed out, this time from his mouth and ears. Hyungwon sneered at the sight in front of him. Oh how much he likes to watch his subject suffered in pain.

"Listen to me carefully, Jackson."

"You filthy half-blood dared to threaten me."

"Half-blood or not you're no match for me. Admit it." Hyungwon laughed emotionlessly.

"You-" Jackson managed to say before he choked on more blood again.

"Stay away from Hell and me of course. I'll make sure you'll never reincarnate if you appear near me again." Hyungwon said calmly.

"Jackson. I left the Hell in his hand. You had done enough damages. I already banished you from Hell." Minhyuk added coldly.

"Lucifer, you are here too. How-" Jackson choked again, now even more blood spilled out of him through the cracks under his nails, soaking his black suit entirely and making it glistened under the dim lighting of the room. He was slowly suffocating.

"I hope you get my message and stay the fuck away." Hyungwon said before disappearing with Minhyuk. Jackson fell onto the floor, still stuttering and his breathing uneven as he slowly climbed back onto his chair.

"Mark." He summoned.

"Yes, my Lord." A tall dark figure appeared in front of the desk.

"Tail them. I don't care how but find out their weakness. And also find out about the mortal boy that was at the alley that night too. Go." The figure nodded and disappeared into thin air.

"Two can play this game." Jackson laughed darkly.


Wonho stretched his arm in hope to find a warm body beside him but only to be greeted by coldness. He peeked through his long eye lashes and realized the space beside him in the bed was empty. Hyungwon must have left while he was sleeping. He sighed. Maybe he should have asked for his number, but does Hyungwon even own a cellphone? He takes note to ask that to the boy later.

The sunlight had shone through the window that he left uncovered from last night after showing his lover the view behind it. Wonho rubbed his eye as he tried to get off his bed and get ready for classes before he felt two arms wrapped around his waist pulling him back to bed. He gasped but relaxed as he caught the familiar scent. Wonho fell back to bed into Hyungwon's embrace.

"Morning, love." Hyungwon said as he nuzzled into the crook of Wonho's neck and pulling the other closer to his chest. Wonho quivered as he felt the other's breathes on his skin.

"Morning." He could get used to being called love. Wonho smiled at that thought.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Not when you're not in bed with me." Wonho said, slightly cringed as he realized the words that came out of his mouth, his cheeks flaring red. Hyungwon chuckled as he heard that.

"Where did you go last night?"

"Taking care of some business again."


"You don't wanna know what kind of business?"

"It's okay. You would tell me if you want to. I won't peered into it or force you to tell me." Wonho said as he softly patted Hyungwon's hands that were on his waist. Part of him was curious too but sometimes it's better not to know. He gulped as he felt Hyungwon suddenly pulled him closer and tightening the grip around his waist. Without any warning, the taller male started to gently nibble on Wonho's soft earlobe causing him to let out muffled moans. Hyungwon was satisfied to hear his lover whimpered under his touch when he slips his hands under the other's shirt and started drawing circles on the pale skin around the hips.

"Hyungwon- I- I have classes soon. Let- go-" Wonho managed to say.

"Or you can stay in bed with me?" Wonho can feel that the younger male was smirking. The offer is really tempting but-

"No I won't listen to the words of a devil!" Wonho said giggling as he abruptly sat up and slamming a pillow onto Hyungwon's face before rushing into the bathroom for escape. Leaving Hyungwon with his mouth agape as he blinked, he can't believe that he just got rejected but laughed as he saw his lover disappearing into the bathroom.

170817 IM EXCITED TO WATCH MX-RAY S2 LATER ITS IN LESS THAN 8 hours. And I'm having a second thought about this book LOL. So bear with me. Do comments and votes if you want to! I wanna see your opinion about this book! Oh and I'm dropping another Special Chapter for ONLY YOU later. Thank you and much love <3

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