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"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."

-Emily Bronte (Wuthering Heights)

Wonho is awake. Well, only mentally awake. Because physically, the boy refused to open his eyes as he was afraid that his beautiful dream will come to an end and he will soon has to face the harsh reality that he might never see the love of his life again. Ever.

Is he being too dramatic? (Dramama ramama ramama hey!) Surely no. Because he would rather be dead than not see Hyungwon again for the rest of his life. The male was sure that he will never fell in love with anyone else the same way he fell for Hyungwon. Which means that he will forever be alone, which will also means that he would have to spend his lifetime surrounded by his happily married friends, which will cause him to drown in self-pity thoughts every day until the day he drew his last breathes. Why would he be over-dramatic?

Yet, this dream felt so real. Even with his eyes closed, Wonho can feel the warmth of the other male's embrace and the way the other's arm curled around him that made him felt safe and protected. Even the way the others lips felt so soft against his own. Wait.

"Open your eye sleeping beauty." The voice said.

"I know that you're awake and I promise you that this is not a dream." The voice said again with a hint of playfulness in his tone. That made Wonho peeked through his long eyelashes. With both of his eyes barely opened, Wonho saw him, smiling down at him, as the other's arms tighten around his frame.

"Open your eyes or I'll tickle you." The other male said as he brushes their nose together. Wonho felt his heart swelled as he fully opened his eyes to take in the beauty in front of him, staring straight into Hyungwon's yellow orbs. Tears started to form in the corner of his eyes again before Hyungwon uses his thumb to wipe them away.

"Shh. You're such a cry baby." Hyungwon said as he smiled fondly at his lover.

"It's your fault." Wonho tried to sound firm but failing.

"I know and I'm sorry."

"Why- why did you leave me?"

"I thought it was the best for you."

"Well you're wrong."

"I know that now."

"Please don't leave me again." Wonho sobbed, his hands involuntarily circled around Hyungwon's neck as he buried his face behind it.

"I won't. Shh." The taller male said as he returned the hugged, pulling them both closer. It felt like an eternity before Wonho finally stopped crying. At least, the older felt better now after letting out all of his emotions.

"Are we good now?" Hyungwon asked and Wonho only nodded in return, his hands clenched onto his sleeves and forming paws to wipe away his tears. The sight was endearing. Hyungwon was again hit with the realisation as why he was so dumb to leave his lover.

"I really missed you." The words came out naturally from the Demon's mouth. Wonho looked up at his lover. Flashing a small smile and mouthing the same words back at the boy as he gave a small peck on the younger's lips before looking away shyly. Hyungwon almost reached for the older's lips again before they heard the door opening and someone came running to them. They both sighed.

"See I knew it." Minhyuk giggled as he stood at the entrance into the living room, eyeing the couple on the sofa in front of him. Wonho almost jumped away from Hyungwon but the Demon would not let go of his grips on him, causing the tomato-like bunny trying to hide his face into his lover's chest.

"Yeah. You're right. Hello both of you." Hyunwoo said smiling as he walked to his lover's side.

"How did you know?" Hyungwon asked curiously.

"Well technically I raised you. So I knew you too well." Minhyuk smirked.

"Well this is so embarrassing then. After all the cool speech I said to you last time." Hyungwon was grinning.

"First of all, I knew that you will be crawling back here to Wonho. Second of all, the whole speech was okay I guess. And thirdly, I'm hungry and this cost for a celebration. And guess I will cook tonight." The blonde male said before scurrying away into the kitchen.

"Just don't hurt him again. Okay?" Hyunwoo said, looking directly at Hyungwon for his answer.

"I won't. Thank you and sorry." Hyungwon said with determination as Hyunwoo replied with a small smile and a nod before following his blonde lover into the kitchen. Wonho finally dare to look up again when he was sure that both of the other male went away.

"So can Minhyuk cook?"

"Yes, one of the best cooks I've ever known. He had too much times before and started learning. Guessed that's how he survived in the human world." Hyungwon chuckled.

171231 This is the last day of 2017. A year full of event for me as Monbebe with Monsta X. And I'm sorry that this is just a short update. I'll try to keep updating once per week. Or at least try to finish this story ASAP. Happy new year everyone. Thank you so much for still reading and supporting this story. I know its getting dull LOL.

Do leave comment and vote if you wanted to. Love ya- XOXO.

EDIT: For those that is still waiting for an update. I guessed this is the end of this story. Because so. Thank you. 

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