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"Papa no! Please stop!"

"You're no son of mine."

"You are only his subject." The voice laughed again.

Wonho woke up the next time to find himself in bed with Hyungwon again. The other male was holding him close to his chest, one hand behind Wonho head and the other one around his waist. Wonho blushed as he thought about how close they were. The other male seemed to be sleeping peacefully, unaware that Wonho was already awake.

How can someone as beautiful as this be a demon? But then again looks can be deceiving. As if it moved by itself, Wonho finger came in contact with Hyungwon's cheeks, softly poking it. It's as squishy as it looks. Wonho smiled and was content to know. The male wasn't sure of the time as the place had no windows nor clock but he needed to go to the toilet.

He tried to move out of the bed as carefully as he can, not wanting to wake the younger male. But as soon as Wonho stirred, the younger opened his eye.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Nature's call." Wonho smiled awkwardly and the other male loosened his grips on him to let him out of the bed. Wonho went straight to the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He went by the sink and turned on the water tap before he sat down by the bathtub. He needed to think clearly and to do that he needed to stay away from Hyungwon.

Wonho looked around the bathroom, nothing was out of ordinary, everything was made up of black marbles, it was luxurious and comparable to the bathroom back in his mansion. Wonho sighed. He should try escaping but the only escape route was the main door and he didn't even know where that leads to, if he was indeed in Hell. He heard a knock on the door after a while.

"Wonho, are you okay?" Hyungwon asked from the other room.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." He said as he quickly finishes his business. Wonho saw Hyungwon was reading a book in the bed when he came out of the bathroom. Delicate long fingers flipping through the pages and his soft black hair slightly parted revealing his forehead. Wonho can't take his eye off of Hyungwon. He never believes in love at first sight but he might have really fallen for the boy. The other male put away the book as he saw Wonho come closer and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Question time?" Hyungwon ask, a small smile plastered on his face. Wonho nodded.

"Who are those people in the alley?"

"They aren't your concern. They were after me."

"What attacked me? I couldn't see anything that night all I remembered was the pain and blood."

"Hell hound. Normal human can't see them." Wonho's eye widened at that statement.

"Yeah. You could have died. The wound caused by hell hound is fatal for mortal yet you survived." Wonho looked shocked and maybe frightened for the first time since he woke up.

"Come closer." Hyungwon extended his arm and Wonho reached out to it. He can't resist him. Hyungwon pulled him closer and Wonho was now sitting in his laps, head pressed against the younger's chest while the other male was playing with strands of his hair.

"Why were those people after you?" Wonho asked softly. He heard the other male sighed.

"It's a long story."

"I think I have the time. I'm all ears." Hyungwon chuckled before he started talking again.

"Once upon the time, the hell was ruled by the devil himself. Yet he got bored and decided to take in an apprentice who could take over the hell from him. He trained a strong apprentice who he could trust and soon left the hell to be ruled by the young ones. But not all Demons would bow and serves under the new ruler. Some rebelled and wanted the Hell for themselves."

"You're the young apprentice?" Wonho asked after the story.


"And those people were after you because of Hell?"


"But you're strong?"

"I'm confident with my strength."

"And now you ruled the Hell?" Hyungwon nodded to answer.

"Guess I really did fell for the devil himself." Wonho chuckled.

"Ouch, what's that for?" Wonho whined. Hyungwon had flicked his forehead.

"You shouldn't say that. I'm dangerous."

"Well. I did. There's nothing I can do. So accept it."

"Did you really mean that?" Hyungwon cupped Wonho's face and bringing him closer to his to look straight into his eyes.

"Yeah." Wonho smiled sheepishly and their lips were connected. Wonho's hands were around the boy's neck and he can feel one of Hyungwon's hands was at the back of his head while the other slowly trailing along his spine. Both were trying to get closer to each other, needing to deepen the kiss.

"Is he awake yet?!" Someone barged in through the door.

"Jooheon do you not know how to knock?" Hyungwon shouted.

"Opps. Sorry my bad." The boy named Jooheon apologized.

"The mortal is awake. Seem like we came at the wrong moment." The other boy beside him said calmly as he saw the both of them in bed, in a rather awkward position.

"Ahh. Sorry again. We'll visit you next time then." The male said before dragging the other boy with him out of the door.

"Come back. Just do whatever you need to and vanish after." The two boys reappeared from the door frame, grinning widely at them. Wonho felt the urge to dive under the cover and pretended that he was dead.

170802 I found out that one of readers of this fanfic 2wonbebe had been in a Monbebe group chat with me for a while. I was shook when I found out. Goosebumps. Happy and shock. Shocked. The world is so small. :)

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