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"Why does it have to be me? Why?!"

His eyes glinted. The color is as of the fiery Sun. 

Wonho attended classes normally like any other days. He went to school, he hand in his assignments and he sat in the class silently beside Hyunwoo but his mind was elsewhere. He stared out of the window, expression softened as he thought about his lanky demon boyfriend. He was wondering what was the latter up to. Probably busy with Hell? What does he even do in Hell anyway? Feeding hell hounds? Torturing souls? Set everyone on fire? Wonho recalled all those scenes from the creepy movies and dramas that he watched, even those details from the books that he read about supernatural stuff. He shuddered at that thought as he can't imagine his sweet lover doing that.

Oh and he had asked the boy for his number. Wonho's lips instantly curved upward forming a silly smile as he recollected the little incident.

Flashback this morning

"Hyungwon are you still there?" Wonho shouted from the bathroom. He had brush his teeth, took a quick shower and is now roughly towelling his hair dry.

"Yeah." Hyungwon answered lazily, possibly still lying comfortably in the bed. Wonho got out of the bathroom with a towel over his head covering his almost-dried hair and a different towel wrapped around his thin waist, hanging low enough to display his fully toned abs. He saw his lover, his back against the bedframe and leg crossed on the bed. Hyungwon is engrossed in reading the same book with a black leather cover again. The book looked aged even the gold lettering and emboss on the cover seems to have faded.

"Hyungwon?" Wonho asked as he went into the walk in closet looking for clothes. The other male only hummed in reply.

"Do you have a phone?"

"No. I don't really need them."

"Hmm. I see."

"Why did you asked?"

"I don't know. Hmm what if I want to look for you?" Or what if I miss you. Wonho didnt say the last part out loudly but as if he could read Wonho's mind Hyungwon chuckled to that. Wonho felt his cheeks heating up.

"I'll get one if you want me to." Hyungwon said in a teasing tone. Wonho was sure that the demon could read his mind.

"It's okay." Wonho said as he picked out a denim jeans and a simple shirt.

"Gimme your number." Hyungwon said again.

"Did you just materialize the phone out of thin air?"

"Maybe. Now your number." Hyungwon demanded as he chuckled. Wonho frowned and shouted his numbers to the other male. His phone that was on the desk instantly light up and rung as it received a call from a new number. Wonho happily beamed thinking about it as he put on his clothes. When he was done, he turned around only to see Hyungwon leaning against the closet door frame and smiling slyly.

End of flashback.

The screen of Wonho's phone that was on silent mode suddenly lights up, signalling him that he received a message. His long fingers instantly reach out for the phone, that silly smile never leaving his beautiful face, even grew wider as he saw the message sender's name.

Hey Love.

Heyhey. Did you finally figured out how to use the phone?

I know how to use them ok. I'm maybe ancient but not out-dated. What are you up to?

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