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"It hurts so much."

"Why are they doing this to me?"

"Because you're special, my little one." A voice replied.

"Will he be ok?" Someone spoke. The voice sounded familiar.

"Yeah, I stitched him up. Luckily they didn't hit any vital organs."

"Thank you, Jooheon."

"No problem. But what the hell were you doing there in the first place?"

"Some business."

"Right. As if we don't have enough business here already."

"Relax. Nothing happened." The other man chuckled.

"Nothing happened? You could get killed you know."

"They can't even touch me. Those things are just his puppets."

"But still. I don't know man. Just be careful next time."

"I will. Thank you again Jooheon."

"Yeah. Whatever." Wonho heard the door closed. He heard the conversation between the two men. He tried moving his body but everything felt numb. He tried again and he felt a slight pain spreading from his left side, he groaned. The male can't even open his eye and soon blank out again.


Not sure how long had passed but Wonho heard the voices again.

"You said he'll be ok!" The familiar voice almost shouted.

"Calm down. It's only a fever."

"The remedy should work for him. But there's something weird about this guy. I think you can sense it too." A new voice that Wonho never heard of before spoke this time.

"He healed rather quickly for some mortal."

"Whatever. Just make sure he's ok."

"He will. Calm down for god sake. Why are you panicking? It's so rare to see you like this."

"He better be." Wonho's body was burning, he felt something wet and warm on his forehead. Wet cloth? And everything was dark again.


Wonho blinked his eyes trying to adjust to the lighting. The ceiling looked weird. When did he redecorate his room? Why everything looked different? He blinked again. This was not his room. Panic started to hit him as he remembered the voices that he heard before. He tried turning around only to discover a face that was sticking too close to his own.

A face of a good-looking stranger. The boy seemed to be soundly sleeping, his plump lips slightly parted and he was letting out small breathes calmly in between them. The boy looked rather young, dark hair and fair skin, soft yet chiselled face, long eyelashes lined up prettily along his eyelids. The boy is beautiful. Why was he in bed with him? Wait it's not even his bed.

Wonho couldn't help it as he ran his finger along the boy's jawline and stopping as he reached the soft looking lips. It felt nice. He wants to feel that lips on his own. Yet, the eyes of the lips owner blinked, his eyes were now looking straight into Wonho's. Wonho saw the colour of his eyes. It's yellow.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked. Soft yet a bit hoarse voice came out of those plump lips.

"Yes." Wonho smiled. They were both still staring at each other.

"Am I in heaven?" Wonho asked, breaking the silence between them.

"Cute. Unfortunately, it's quite the opposite."

"So am I in hell?" He frowned.


"Well the hell doesn't feel that bad with you here with me then." They both chuckled.

"You might need to reconsider that." The young boy suddenly said in a serious tone, all joking attitude from before gone. Wonho know he should be cautious of this stranger but he can't seem to find him intimidating enough. All he felt was a peculiar attraction towards the other male.

"You are the one from the alley?" Wonho questioned.


"Am I dead?"

"No. But what you did that night was unnecessary. You could have killed yourselves."

"I only did what I thought was right at that moment."

"You're stupid. Cute but stupid." The young boy teased.

"Well thank you for the compliment then." Wonho smirked. Wonho tried to move his body again, he still felt the numbness and minimal pain on his left side. He was curious about what had actually happened that night. The male was going to open his mouth again but the boy beats him to it as if he could read his mind.

"I'll answer your question later when you're fully healed. But for now, do sleep and rest." He softly caressed Wonho's cheeks making the older male leaned closer to the touch. Wonho liked the fact that this stranger was still in bed with him and soon he was in deep slumber again.

170729 I had chapters written already. So why not post it. Beautiful in Bangkok tomorrow! :)

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