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It's been almost a month since the last incident that got him bedridden for a week. Wonho still wasn't quite sure of what really went down. He felt this unsettling feeling in his heart, even sensing it at the pit of his stomach as he lives his days like a normal university student.

Hyungwon. That name sounded so familiar yet strange to him all at once. Kihyun had blurted out the name a few times before when they were at home but lately not anymore. Who is this Hyungwon? Was he someone important to him? But why can't he remember him? Wonho felt a slight heartache as he continued with his train of thoughts about this Hyungwon person. The boy eventually gave up and shook his head to get rid of the thought as he tried to focus on the lecture again.

"Hey, you okay?" He heard Hyunwoo whispered to him, one of his hands came to rest on the boy's shoulder. Wonho must have looked really troubled that Hyunwoo had to ask and now looking worriedly at him.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Tell me if anything's wrong okay?"

"Sure. Thanks man." Wonho gave a small smile to reassure his friend before Hyunwoo turned back his focus on the lecture again. This is gonna be a long class, Wonho thought.


Well, the opposite happened when the class ended before Wonho realises because he was so lost in his train of thoughts. He sighed for the millionth times as he packed up his stuff, ready to go home and occupy himself with his assignments.

"I'll be going to swimming practice, see you at home later." Hyunwoo said before rushing out of the class. Wonho could only smile as he watches his friend disappear into the busy hallway. Slinging his bag onto his back, Wonho left the almost-empty lecture hall and started walking home.

For some reason, his feet had brought him somewhere else. Wonho wasn't sure if he blank out or he was too busy daydreaming that he didn't notice where he was walking to. He was now standing in front of a café, a familiar looking café which he never visited? Not again. Wonho felt the urge to slap his forehead hard at the moment but refrain as he was still standing in the middle of the street.

The boy sighed again before he started his pace to walk away but something caught his eye. No, someone caught his eye. A tall and slender young man, wearing dark clothing from head to toe that entailed a black turtleneck high enough to cover all the skin on his neck, a black long winter coat and a black skinny jean that elongate his long already-long leg. The man's wine red almost dark coloured hair revealed patches of red strands as it reflects the warm lighting in the café. The hair colour complimented his pale skin well, Wonho silently thought.

Wonho couldn't see the face of the young man as the said man was facing the café wall. It seemed like he was admiring a framed painting in the shop? Wonho felt slightly jealous of the painting as it had the attention of that man. Wait why is he feeling jealous, even worst, feeling envious of a painting? You don't even know the man Wonho, snap out of it. But the man turned around soon after, Wonho saw his face and felt his breathes caught in his throat, his heart stop beating, even the time seemed to have halted (if that was possible).

The young man had that face that could make you stop in your tracks, which was quite evidence because Wonho did. He was unable to withdraw his sight from the man. The man that he knew nothing of. Wonho abruptly felt a pang in his heart and his tears started streaming down even before he realises it. He was grown man standing alone, almost sobbing outside a café. Even worst, Wonho ran away as his eyes met with stranger's.


Wonho locked the door behind him as he reached home before storming into his bedroom and doing the same to the bedroom's door. He was lucky that no one is home today as Kihyun and Hyunwoo were probably still busy in school. The boy dropped his bag on the floor before dragging his feet toward the huge bed and plopped himself in the middle of it. His tears have stopped and he needs to calm down to process what had just happened. What's with the sudden waves of emotions that came crashing onto him when he saw that stranger?

His heart ached as he recalled the look of young man that he saw earlier. Chiselled jaw, rounded nose, pinkish plump lip and that rounded eyes, the man could easily passed as a model with that kind of beauty (and height of course). Is that why he looked familiar? Maybe he's a model? Wonho thought. But Wonho remembered something else, something that had been bothering him, the eye colour of that man, its golden. Was it contact lenses? That would be creepy though, to wear that on daily basis. Wonho sighed again at his ridiculous thoughts.

The boy toss and turn on his bed as he tried to think harder for any hints until he saw something that was stuck onto his corkboard. Two pencil sketches. Other A4 sizes assignment notes had almost hide them from his sight. Wonho couldn't remember ever putting them up there but one of them was indeed his sketches, his sketches of someone important to him? Something inside Wonho clicked as he moved from the bed to get a clear look of the drawing. Taking off the pins of the hindrance notes, Wonho finally got a full view of the sketch. It was the sketch of the young man that he saw in the café today. The young man that is important to him.

Wonho dropped onto his knees on the floor as memories came flooding back to him. All the puzzle pieces were being matched, all those bits of holes in his memories were being filled and he finally understood the empty and longing feelings that he felt in his heart. His tears kept streaming down uncontrollably. Wonho now remembered Hyungwon. Why didn't he realise about this earlier? Was he so blind that he didn't notice the sketches?

While still sobbing on the floor, Wonho reaches into his pocket to fish out his phone, scrolling it until he found what he was looking for. Hyungwon's number. It was there all along. Why didn't he notice all of these? The boy dialled the number without thinking twice, hoping that Hyungwon would answer it. The phone beep twice and the other end went silent. Wonho felt his heart shattered into million pieces.

171126 This might be a boring chapter. I really hated angst. Not sure if I convey it well. Thank you for those that are still following this story, voting and commenting. There might be few chapter left. Or I could just end it in the next chapter. Leave your comment if you want I had tons of fun reading them. :) Thank you again. Love y'all-

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