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Just so no one get confused, this happened when Kihyun was still in the class. So their time kinda overlapped at some point.

Happy 800th Days again Monbebe!

Wonho and Hyungwon stumbled upon a newly opened coffee shop along the way. They knew it was new because of the chalk signboard in front of the shop stated so.

"Classic coffee date?" Hyungwon asked with a smirked on his face.

"Hmm. Why not?" Wonho beamed.

"Let's go in then." And the pair went inside. Smell of freshly brewed coffee mixed with the smell of roasted coffee beans that filled the café greeted the pair as they stepped inside. The calm yet warm atmosphere in the café was enhanced by the soft soothing music that played in the background. A huge abstract mural was painted on one of the walls making it the centre piece decoration of the café.

"Welcome." They were greeted by the café workers with smiles on their faces. The pair returned the smile and ordered their coffee. They settled down at one of the table by the café's window where they can see the people on the street walk by. There weren't many customers in the coffee shop, they spotted another pair of couple and some other single people that sat around the café, some were immersed with reading and sipping their coffee while some seemed to be drawing something? Wonho looked on the table and realised that there were some sketch pads and pencils on the coffee table before one of the waiter approached them.

"Here's your coffees sir." She smiled as she set the coffees in front of them.

"Anything else that I can help you with?"

"What's the sketch pad for?" Wonho asked curiously.

"Ahh. It's our concept sir. You can draw on it! There's also a small library at the back where you can pick and read the books. If you took a liking of the book you could also purchase it." She said as she gestured toward the side of the café where there were shelves of books.

"Ahh I see then. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Enjoy your coffee." The waiter said before she walked back to the counter.

Wonho took a sip of his coffee before he set it to the side as his hand reaches for one of the sketch pads and the drawing pencil and he started to draw something on one of the pages. Hyungwon was already enjoying his coffee. Well the demon doesn't need to eat but he loves the smell of the coffee. Not bad. He thought.

"What are you doing?" Hyungwon asked as he realised that his lover was quiet, the older's hands were busy with the pencil and sketch pad.

"Drawing." The corner of Wonho lips curved upwards as he focused on the drawing.

"Are you drawing me?"

"Mhm. Shh. Don't move." Wonho said. Hyungwon smiled looking boyfriend's behaviour. He too reaches for the sketch pad and started to sketch something on it. Both of them were immersed in their drawing, hands moving delicately on the sketch pad and their eyes glances at each other once in a while. Both smiled fondly when their gaze met as the hours passed by.

"Done?" Wonho asked as he saw Hyungwon was still drawing.

"Mhm. A bit more. Ok done."

"Okay let's trade then."

"Okay." Hyungwon smirked. And they traded the sketch pad. Hyungwon took Wonho's sketch pad and saw a perfect drawing of him sipping the coffee. He smiled.

"Wow. You're talented. Thank you." He thanked Wonho and flashed him the sweetest smile. Wonho stuttered for a bit but managed to smile back.

"Now look at mine." Hyungwon said to the older. Wonho's eye widened as he saw Hyungwon's drawing of him, his jaw dropped. It's a drawing of a three years old or maybe even worse than a three years old's. It's a drawing of s stick man holding a sketch pad or a square-shaped-thingy. Wonho sighed. In front of him, Hyungwon's mouth twitched fighting a smile but eventually he gave up and burst into a laughing mess, not that loud but still audible to Wonho and the older male turned red.

"Your expression is so funny." Hyungwon teased still trying to contain his laugh.

"Hyungwon!" Wonho pouted.

"It's on another page." Hyungwon smirked as he took the coffee cups to his lips. Wonho flipped the pages. There's it was, a drawing of him sleeping peacefully. It looked perfect as if it was photographed.

"This is amazing Hyungwon. But why did you draw me sleeping?"

"Because that was the first time when I clearly saw you when I brought you back to Hell. The way your beautiful face relaxed when you sleep, I was drawn to you. From that moment, I know you will be my downfall." Hyungwon smiled softly as he searched for Wonho's retort. Wonho was touched by his words. The older leaned forward to give a small peck on Hyungwon's cheek.

"Thank you. I learnt something new about you today."


"That you can draw really really well." He said nodding and beaming his contagious smile to Hyungwon. The demon only chuckled at his boyfriend childish behaviour.

"You are not bad yourself too."


"Oh my you're both talented." The waiter exclaimed when she came over to hand them their bills.

"Thank you." They smiled politely at her.

"Do you mind if we scanned the drawing and frame it to display it in the café?" She asked. Wonho looked at Hyungwon for his opinion, the younger only nodded.

"Sure. Why not then."

"Could you guys sign the drawing?" Wonho signed his signature and a bunny while Hyungwon only signed H.W. on the drawing before they handed the drawing to the waiter.

"I'll be right back soon." She said before she rushed into the back to get the drawing scanned. The pair sat there quietly finishing their coffee and exchanging cheesy glance at each other. They heard the bell above the café's door chimed and saw one, no, two familiar figures entered the café. Kihyun and Changkyun? What were they doing there? Wonho thought as he almost called out for them but was stopped by Hyungwon.

"Just let them be." Hyungwon grinned. Wonho only nodded. Kihyun knows Changkyun? How? The pair ordered their coffee and left the shop soon after, not even noticing Hyungwon and Wonho were there too. The waiter came back not long after and handed them their drawing, just in time when Wonho's stomach started to grumbled. The older male smiled awkwardly at his lover.

"I guess now it's ramyeon time?" Hyungwon chuckled.

"I guess. Unless you want to eat something else?"

"Nah. I can't get in between you and your love for ramyeon." Hyungwon put both of his hands in front as defence only making Wonho rolled his eyes in disbelief. Wonho offered to pay for the coffee and Hyungwon let him do so before they headed to Wonho's place.

170825 At some point I'm wondering why am I writing this LOL. I'm getting annoyed at how slow paced this book is. Phew. I don't know anymore. Thank you for reading. Votes if you want! Leave comments too!! I love to read comments! Total words: 1100.

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