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La vie est une fleur dont l'amour est le miel.

The Demon misses his lover. A lot. Unimaginably a lot. More than he can describe. He chose to stay away because he thought it was the best way to keep his other half safe, not calculating that the fact alone, the mere fact of being away from his lover would slowly consume him, eating away bits of sanity and humanity that he had left in him. That was stupid of him, an act of cowardice in fact, to stay away and assume that the other would go back and live his normal life again as if nothing had ever happen between them.

The boy seemed to have frozen in time, motionless as he was deep in his thoughts until someone barged into the room and made him flinched. He never flinches. Wait. He groaned as he saw the young boy that had crush his trail of thoughts and decided to ignore the other.

"Hyungwon, are you okay?" Jooheon asked as he sat on the sofa in front of Hyungwon, looking worriedly at the other male.

"Talk to me will you?" The boy tried again.

"I'm okay." Hyungwon said bitterly.

"You don't look okay to me man. You have been like this since the last time we saw him."

"I'll be fine." Hyungwon stood up and moved to his desk, trying to busy himself with his 'work'.

"Just go and see him if you miss him so much."

"It's not that simple Jooheon."

"Well it is. You love him. Make him remember you again."

"That's easier to be said than done." Hyungwon sighed.

"Hyungwon, you're one of the most powerful Demons that I've ever met. Why are you so afraid?"

"You won't understand even if I tell you."

"Try me." And with that Hyungwon gave up and decided to run away, warping himself somewhere else, to some place that can make his mind at peace again.


The boy found himself in the café. That place where they had their first normal date, the way he wanted it to be. And there it was, hanging proudly on the café wall, the portrait that Hyungwon drew of him. Every pencil stroke reminded him of how beautiful his other half is and how much the Demon was in love with him.

But still, it was just a drawing. No matter how beautiful the sketch was, the real one was far more ethereal. Hyungwon wished he could hold him in his arm again.

He ignored the looks on the people that were confused on how he was suddenly present in the café and tore his sight away from the painting. Yet the first thing he saw when he turned his head was him? Is God playing jokes on him now? Is he getting delusional? But when Hyungwon saw the male ran away, he felt his imaginary heart dropped on the concrete floor before rolling a few miles away and getting stepped on by passerby.

Seeing the other male at the café was his last straw. Oh how can he forget how beautiful his lover was, standing there, meeting his own eyes? The other's smooth delicate pale skin that felt so nice under his fingertips, the soft pink lips and those dark orbs that contained so much sorrow as they met his yellow ones. His heart ached seeing the pain that reflected in those beautiful eyes, how much he just wanted to run to the other and gave him a hug and never let go again. Yet the male ran away as soon as their sight aligned? Why?

He don't remember you anymore dumbass. His brain clicked as his tongue did too and did the first thing that came to his mind. Hyungwon followed him home.


The demon saw the boy ran into the apartment and found himself standing in front of the same place, weighing the choices and contemplating if he should knock the door.

It felt like years passed by as he stood still until he heard his phone rang. He fetched out that small black gadget from his pocket and smiled as he remembered that he got it just because his lover asked for his number. He saw the caller ID and his finger instantly swiped the screen to answer the call but when he put it at his ear, he heard nothing.

Hyungwon stared blankly at the phone screen. What happened?

He cursed under his breath. The caller ID that appeared and blinking on that small screen just now was undoubtedly Wonho's (because that was the only number he had save and Wonho is the only person that knew his number). But of all the times, the Demon's brain seemed to have chosen the current situation to be malfunctioned, commanding his finger to swipe the red coloured call reject button instead of the green one.

He cursed again as his finger reaches for the doorbell. Screw all the reasoning that he thought of just now, screw all the consequences that he will have to face later, screw the fact that Jooheon's going to tell him he was stupid for staying away before, screws everything. Because at the moment, the only thing that he can think of is having Wonho in his arms again and telling the other how much he had miss him. He swore he will protect him with everything he has if that is the only way he could keep seeing his love again.

He rang the doorbell once and waited. But no one came to the door. Hyungwon bit his lips as he rang it again. Please. He mentally pleaded. The demon could easily teleport himself inside but he didn't want to make Wonho feel uncomfortable, maybe the latter needed his space at the moment. He soon heard some shuffling on the other side of the door and the door creaked open. And Hyungwon saw him, his whole world (which was currently hiding behind a wall of tissues).

"Yes?" Wonho said as he opened the door. His face was hidden behind a handful of tissues as his hand was busy wiping away his overflowing tears.

"Wonho." Hyungwon said softly, he felt like someone had stab him in his imaginary heart and let him slowly bleed to death as he saw current state of the boy that was standing in front of him now.

The other male froze as he heard the voice and dropped his tissues. Their gaze met and Hyungwon saw how red Wonho's eye and nose were from all the crying, the traces of dried tears that stained Wonho's cheeks and how those eyes were watery again as they take in the sight of him.

Wonho felt his breathes stuck in his throat and the world was spinning too fast. His tears started to fall uncontrollably again. He almost dropped onto his feet again before two strong arms reaches for him, circling around his waist, pulling him into their warm embrace.

"I'm sorry. Please don't cry." Hyungwon said as he softly patted Wonho's back, which took the opposite effect when Wonho started to sob, this time much harder. Hyungwon sighed as he realised they were still in the entrance way. The Demon made the door closed as he gently lifts up his lover and carefully carried him to the living room. He sat them both on the sofa. With Wonho on his laps and him delicately cradling the male's trembling body like the other was a new born baby, Hyungwon's hands came to softly pat Wonho's back as he started to hum the familiar melody.

Wonho leaned in and snuggled closer into Hyungwon's chest, taking in the familiar scent that he missed so much and unknowingly seek for even when he lost his memories. He finally felt at ease. He eventually loosened up as his eyelids started getting heavy.

Hyungwon glanced down at the boy in his arm when he no longer heard Wonho's whimpering and realised that the other boy was already fast asleep. He kept his position still as he was afraid that even a little movement would wake up the other. It was a long night for both of them and Wonho silently hoped that this dream won't end.

171225 Well this is a crappy chapter. BUT MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE. Total words: 1377.

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