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"Who are you?"

"I'm your fairy godmother."

"You don't look like one." And the voice's laugh echoed.

"If I'm not dead, why am I in hell?" That was first thing that Wonho asked when he was fully awake, only causing the other male to burst out laughing.

"Is there hidden camera somewhere?" Wonho probed and started to look through everything in the room, the flower pot, the cushions, and the book shelf and even under the bed. The younger male finds his action amusing. The room itself was spacious, Wonho thought when he looked around.

There was a huge double door but there weren't any window. The bedroom was connected to the study. The wall in the study was made up of countless shelves full of books with a sleek ebony desk placed in the middle of it. For the bedroom, the same ebony material king sized bed with grey silk bedding stood tall in the middle of space. In between the study and the bedroom, a set of sectional couch and a modern black coffee table took up the space. There was also a fireplace made up of black stones where the fire burns brightly, keeping the room warm. The space was simple, a mix of modern and old, yet every piece fit with each other.

"Who are you?" Wonho asked when he finally stopped and gave up looking through the room. The younger male only smiled at him.

"Come here and sit down." The male said as he patted the space beside him on the couch and Wonho eyed him suspiciously but did as told.

"I will answer your question one at a time." The younger looking male said as he cupped Wonho's face with one of his hands, making the male to look straight into his yellow-colour eyes. Wonho noticed that the male's eye colour wasn't exactly yellow, more like gold, or maybe fire? He swore he saw something flickered in it. Wonho finds it was rather distracting and he seemed to lost trails of his purpose. Yet he can't make himself to pull away from his touch.

"Where am I?"

"I answered that before. Hell."

"Stop joking."

"I'm not." The younger male smiled softly.

"Then why am I in hell?"

"You tried to protect me and end up almost killing yourself. I had to save you. That's why I brought you home."

"Home as in Hell?" The younger male nodded.

"Then what are you doing in this so called hell?"

"I think you're missing the main question here. Think again. Wonho." The boy smirked. How did he know his name?

"Who are you? No. What are you?"

"I'm a demon." Wonho's jaw dropped. This guy can't be serious. He thought.

"So you're a demon and this hell is your home." The younger male nodded again. Wonho sighed, he had had enough of this prank.

"Ok. This prank had gone too far. You guys can come out now." It was silent.

"You don't believe me?"

"How can I believe you?" Wonho sighed.

"I'll show you. Though this might hurt a little bit." The boy then touched Wonho's temple. All of his sad memories came flooding, replaying themselves like movies before his eyes. Wonho gasped and the boy stopped. He could feel his forehead sweating and his hands were cold. Horror clearly displayed on his face.

"I'm sorry." The boy said, looking apologetically at Wonho. The other male showed no responds.

"I think you should sleep now. Your wounds were healed but you're still weak." The male said as he carried Wonho effortlessly towards the bed. The younger male tucked him in bed, covering him with blanket before slowly running his hand through Wonho's hair.

"I'm sorry." He sighed before moving away from the bed but Wonho grabbed on his hands.

"What's your name?" Wonho asked, the younger male seemed startled.

"Hyungwon. You can call me Hyungwon." He said.

"Please don't go, Hyungwon."

"I'll be here." Wonho fell asleep that night holding onto Hyungwon's hand.

170801 Yo. I almost published this on a wrong book LOL. I figured this book is more fast paced than my first book. The first one is like a tug-o-war between WH and HW while this one. yeah. And I realized most/few chapters ended in bed. Okay. Okay. Okay? Welp. Thank you for reading. Leave comment and vote if you want. Love <3

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