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"Hyungwon! I know you'll be hiding here. We've been looking for you." Minyuk almost shouted, nearly disturbing the quiet and serene surrounding, yet not quite starling the boy that was blankly staring into the dusty glass window in front of him. The place looked wrecked, old and inhabited with thick layers of dust covering every inches of the room. Hyungwon remembered that the place used to be a house but that was a very long time ago.

"Hey Minhyuk." The boy said as he turned to face the blonde.

"Wonho is awake. He- he can't remember anything about you." Minhyuk blurted.

"I know. I think it's for the best." The boy had expected the blonde demon to find him here, to tell him the news that he already knew.

"What do you mean?"

"It's better for him to not get involved with our supernatural world. I'll still rule Hell for you and he will continue his life as a normal student."

"But you love him."

"And that's why I'm letting him go. I don't want him to get hurt anymore. Once is enough."

"This is my fault isn't it? Should I go back to Hell again?" The blonde demon sounded regretful.

"No Minhyuk. I've seen how happy you are when you're with Hyunwoo. I want you to keep smiling like that. You deserved your own happy ending. Think of it as a way for me to repay your kindness after all these long years."


"It's okay Minhyuk. I'll live. Promise me you'll keep an eye on him okay?" Hyungwon smiled softly.

"Okay. I promise you."

"Do you remember this place?" Hyungwon said after a while as his eyes roamed through the nothingness of the room.

"How can I not? It's where I found you."

"Yeah. It's where everything begins and ended for me at least." Hyungwon said.


The cry of a new-born was heard throughout the house. The women that had just gone through the labour smiled as the midwife carefully handed her the baby, she looked tired but everything was worth it. Somehow the baby stopped crying as if it could felt the warmth of its mother as the women cradle it close to her chest, smiling at it as if it was the most precious thing in the world, in her world.

A man rushed into the room, he stopped in his track as the women raised her finger to her lips, signalling him to keep quiet before he could spill his words. The man smiled fondly at the sight in front of him. The sight of his beloved wife and their child. Soon the mother and the new-born fell asleep in each other's comfort as the man watched them closely. He swore he would protect both of them, they are his whole world.

But the mother never wakes up again.


Months had gone by. The atmosphere of the household changed as it mourned for the loss of its female owner. It used to be filled with laughter and warmth yet now it was icy and unfriendly.

In the dimly lighted basement, a group of cloaked figure had assembled, circling around the cold ground where a huge woven basket was placed in the middle of it. The baby was sleeping soundlessly in it, holding his baby blanket tightly in his small hands, unaware of what is happening next that will change his whole life. One of the cloak figures approached the basket.

"Are you sure you want to continue this?" One of them asked.

"Yes. It already took the life of my beloved wife." The man was standing beside the basket said as he looked down at the sleeping infant.

"But he's your child."

"He's a vessel and that is all. Let's proceed with the ritual."

The cloaked men started to spread out around the room, revealing a bloody ritual circle that was carved onto the floor underneath the basket. Standing in their positions, the men exchanged nods as confirmation. Soon, the room was filled with incantation in an unfamiliar language. As if it sensed something wasn't right, the baby too started to cry as peculiar eye-blinding light begun to emit from his small frame, only making the men to chant louder. A strange form seemingly started to take shape, hovering above the baby.

"Foolish mortal, you dared to summon the Army of the Lord." The creature's voice is filled with rage as it expanded its huge wing spanning across the basement.

"You'll be a great use for us." One of them said. The creature struggled, batting its wings fiercely and knocking down everything in its reach around the basement. Yet the cloaked men did not waver at all.

The baby's cries died down as the chanting did, not long after that. The light gradually disappeared along with the winged creature, as if it was absorbed into the baby's body. The infant fluttered open his eyes. Both of his small orbs that were used to be dark were now replaced by two golden fiery ones.

171114 Monsta X first win. Im in tears I was watching the show live and voting and streaming. Their hard work paid off. Im so proud of them. Monbebe we finally got them their first win! TT ugh I will always remember these days. Thank you.

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