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"Jackson! Show yourself." Hyungwon shouted. The interior décor of the office remained the same as his last visit to this place and standing in the middle of this leather-filled office, Hyungwon is worried about Wonho.

"Well hello there." Jackson appeared out of thin air.

"Where's Wonho?" Hyungwon sounded stern.

"Impatient aren't we?"

"Just tell me where he is before I kill you."

"He's here." Jackson snapped his finger and Wonho appeared beside him. A cloak figure was standing behind him, holding him in place, well not that he can move or anything. Wonho seemed emotionless, his beautiful smiley face was pale and there were no traces of happiness or fear when his eye met Hyungwon's. His gaze was blank and empty. Something was totally off about him.

"What did you do to him?" Hyungwon growled.

"Oh nothing much. Showed him some stuff though."

"How dare you-"

"I'll break him if you do anything funny." Jackson revealed something that he was holding in his hand. A small capped glass jar. It was glowing. No, it's not the jar that was glowing. It was something inside the jar that was emitting the soft light.

"His soul. You son of-"

"Now, now. Let stay calm shall we?"

"A human soul mustn't leave his vessel that is still alive. You know how much damage you could do to him even if you only touched one bit of it."

"You leave me no choice Hyungwon. I want what that is supposed to be mine."

"Hell doesn't belong to anyone."

"Hell isn't the only concern here."

"What are you talking about?!"

"Everything was perfectly fine before you came along."

"What?" For the first time, Hyungwon seemed genuinely confused.

"Then it was all about you. Hyungwon the boy who turned. The perfect demon apprentice. The apple of Satan's eyes. The boy who stole everyone's heart. You! You took everything that was precious to me! You took everyone away from me! You took my only family away from me!" Jackson barked.

"I didn't take anything. It was you that pushed everyone away when you betrayed them."

"I was deluded, scared and jealous because of you. Everyone would have forgiven me if you weren't here. It's all your fault."

"Jackson you turned hell upside down because you were deluded? No. You were plain greedy, you wanted power and control over Hell. You even almost killed Jooheon, the one that you called family. How selfish can you be?"

"It was an accident. I didn't mean to-" For once, Jackson seemed wavered.

"What is done is already in the past. But the fact that you tried to harm one of us can't be changed. That was the reason why Lucifer banished you from Hell. He hoped for you to repent and be your old self. But now? Nothing seemed to have changed at all. You're still the same, as greedy and egocentric as you used to be in the past."

"Enough! Say one more word and I'll shatter his soul." Jackson threatened.


"The famous Hyungwon has a weakness now. How interesting." The smile returned to his face.

"Let him go then you can do whatever you want to me."

"We'll see about that." Jackson moves his hand and instantly Hyungwon was harshly pushed against the wall, the excessive force might have broken his bones. Hyungwon winched as he felt the slight pain under his ribs, making Jackson's smile to grow wider.

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