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"Come closer child."

"Don't be afraid."

"Your eyes. Why are they are of colour of blood?

Back at Wonho's apartment.

Kihyun slammed the door behind him before he reached into his pocket to pull out his phone. Smashing the keypad, he called someone.

"Come on, pick up." He gritted his teeth. The beeping stopped and someone answered at the other end.

"Hey Kihyun. What's up? It's already late."

"Hyunwoo. Get your ass here. Wonho's missing."

"Hold up. What do you mean he's missing?"

"He went to the store to get some ramyeon and never came back so I went to look for him. The cashier in the shop said Wonho left after he paid."

"But he didn't get home?"

"Yeah. So I followed his trail. It leads to an alley. The place doesn't looked good. I saw blood." Kihyun's hands run cold as he spoke.

"Let's not assume the worst. You tried his cell phone?"

"I did before I went to look for him. He left it in his room. That airhead."

"Ok. Calm down. I'll be there soon. I'm bringing Minhyuk too."

"Okay. Hurry." The calls end.


Hyunwoo arrived 15 min later at the apartment with Minhyuk tailing behind him. Luckily he didn't live that far from Wonho's.

"Kihyun." Hyunwoo called when he got into the living room. The other boy was pacing around and stopped at the sight of Hyunwoo.

"I should have not let him go alone. It's my fault." Worried written all over his face.

"Don't blame yourself. We didn't know this would happen."

"I thought nothing would ever happen again after his parent death and after we moved."

"Nothing happens these past years. Why now?"

"I don't know."

"Should we go back and check out that place again? Maybe you missed something."


"Hey Kihyun." Minhyuk suddenly said. They had forgotten that the boy was there too.

"Hey Minhyuk." Kihyun replied quietly.

"Minhyuk can you stay here just in case Wonho come back?" Shownu asked.

"Sure. I hope you guys find him." He said before the two of them went out.


They went back to the alley that Kihyun said.

"This. It's his. It's what that leads me here." Kihyun said pointing at the red stain on the road.

"You might be right. I could smell sulfur. It's weak now but it's still there." Hyunwoo said.

"Shit." Kihyun cursed.

"Those. I don't think it's Wonho's." Hyunwoo was pointing on a dark red almost black colored stain on the wall of the alley.

"Something happened here. A fight?"

"Probably. These aren't human's doing."

"That airhead must have intervened with something."

"Can you trace him?"

"I did that but it wouldn't work correctly. I can sense that he's still alive but I can't detect where he is." Kihyun sighed.

"Let's get back and try again?"

"It wouldn't work. I tried countless times before you got home. I wish I'm stronger."

"Calm down Kihyun. If he's still alive then maybe they took him somewhere. I should call my parent to let them know."


"Let's look around for now."


"Hey, did you guys find anything?" Minhyuk rushed to door when he heard it unlocked only to see Hyunwoo and Kihyun looking weary. They had been searching the whole night.

"Nothing yet." Hyunwoo said while shaking his head.

"You guy should clean up and rest for a bit." The blonde male said. Kihyun only nodded before walking towards his bedroom while Hyunwoo settled in the living room followed by Minhyuk.

"Babe, you looked tired." Minhyuk said when they both sat on the couch.

"I'm fine. Maybe a bit tired." Hyunwoo gave his boyfriend a little smile to reassure the other.

"What happened though? You didn't give me much detail before we got here."

"Wonho might be in big trouble." Hyunwoo sighed.

"He might got in a fight. With demons." Minhyuk only listened quietly.

"We found traces of blood. His and demon's back at the alley. We think he might got taken away by them." Minhyuk gasped.

"Do you guys have any idea where they took him to?"

"No clue. He's just gone. And Kihyun can't track him down but he knows that Wonho is still alive. Somewhere."

"Do you want me to help? I can pull some strings."

"It's okay babe. I know how you hated to need to deal with them. I've called my parent. We'll see if they could find something out."

"Okay. I'll make you guys some tea or maybe snacks." Minhyuk gave Hyunwoo a small peck before heading to the kitchen.

"Thank you babe." Hyunwoo said smiling to his boyfriend before he laid back into the sofa.

170804 Double update. Cause you asked for it <3 Thank you.

Now I'm heading to bed I think. *scrolls vlive, twitter, IG, FB*

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