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Wonho and Hyungwon stopped by the convenience store to buy the older's favourite ramyeon and some ice cream for later before they went to the apartment. The couple reached the apartment to be greeted by Minhyuk's loud voice. It's Minhyuk what would you expect. Wonho still can't believe that he was the ruler of Hell, the infamous fallen Angel that the Bible had spoken of. Wonho looked at Hyungwon with question as they stepped inside the apartment. The other male only shrugged looking as confused as Wonho is.

"Wonho, Hyungwon is that you guys?" The blonde male voice was heard from the kitchen and the pair shortly entered the kitchen only to see Hyunwoo and Minhyuk sitting on the kitchen stool with some restaurant take-out ads scattering on the counter.

"Come help us choose what we should have for dinner?"

"Hello Hyunwoo. Minhyuk." Hyungwon said, slightly nodded his head.

"Hay Wonho. Hay Hyungwon." Hyunwoo greeted them with a smile before turning back his attention to his boyfriend that was intently looking at the ads as if it was a matter of life and death. Well it is cause it is their dinner. Dinner is important! Very important!

"We are having ramyeon. Do you guys want some?" Wonho said as he showed them the grocery bag filled with ramyeon from the convenience store.

"Only if you cooked it." Minhyuk said as he looked at them, eye sparkled with hope.

"Fine ok." Wonho gave up as he set the groceries on the counter and started to put on the apron. Hyungwon went to sit down beside Minhyuk and Hyunwoo, his eyes never leaving his lover that is now in apron and busy rummaging through the kitchen cabinet.

"What about Kihyun? Should I make his share too?" Wonho asked after he set the pot filled with water on the stove.

"Kihyun said not to wait for him for dinner." Hyunwoo answered with Minhyuk already sitting in his lap.

"Okay then."

"You wanna know something Hyungwonnie?" Minhyuk started. Wonho's ear twitched as he heard the nickname.


"Your boyfriend here made the best ramyeon!"

"I'll have to taste it to confirm it then." All of them chuckled.

"Let's wait in the living room shall we?" Minhyuk said to Hyunwoo before dragging his boyfriend out of the kitchen. Hyunwoo shot Wonho an apologetic looks before disappearing into the living room. Now only Wonho and Hyungwon were left in the kitchen.

"What did he call you?" Wonho said after a while.

"Hyungwonnie? Minhyuk had always called me that." Hyungwon said with a smile.


"Wait. Are you jealous again?" A smirked started to make its way to Hyungwon's lips.

"I am not. Why would I?" Wonho stuttered.

"Oh my god. It's written all over your face." Hyungwon teased more as Wonho turned his attention back to the stove. Hyungwon likes seeing his lover flustered, the way his cheeks flushed, his eyebrow furrowed and his lips pouted. Hyungwon loves all of it.

"I am certainly not! Stop thinking so highly of yourself!" By now, Wonho's cheeks were hotter than the pot that was still on the stove.

"Fine fine. Okay. I'll let you nickname me later then." Hyungwon chuckled as he slowly walked toward the male that was now facing the stove avoiding any eye contact with him. As if Wonho could hide his embarrassment like that. Hyungwon's hand softly curled around Wonho's waist, hugging his lover from the back and his chin rested on the shoulder of the blushing male. Hyungwon felt his lover stiffen under him.

"Why would I nickname you?" Wonho tried to protest. Now even his ears were turning red as he felt Hyungwon sticking close to him. Maybe too close.

"Because you are my one and only. You own me. Well technically we own each other. Maybe I should decide a nickname for you too then."

"What?!" Wonho turned his face only to meet Hyungwon's plump lips. Wonho melted under the kiss, looking daze after their lips separated. They heard someone cleared their throat before entering the kitchen.

"What are you two doing in my kitchen?" Kihyun said eyeing the couple suspiciously.

"Welcome home Kihyun." Wonho managed to say as he squirmed to escape his lover's hug.

"Hay Kihyun." Hyungwon said as he let go of Wonho, not missing the chance to leave a small peck on the Wonho's cheeks as he do so. The older's eye widened and Kihyun only shook his head looking at the lovebird. Why is he surrounded by all these couples? Kihyun thought and mentally slammed his head on the wall.

"You and the beanstalk move away from the stove please. I'll make dinner."

"Beanstalk?" Hyungwon said with an eyebrow raised.

"But we are making ramyeon."

"Yeah. I can see that going so well."


"Stop. Now." Kihyun said sternly.

"Okay mum." Wonho pouted before he dragged Hyungwon to sit at the counter as they watched Kihyun shuffled around the kitchen. Kihyun fit in the kitchen so well like a typical housewife.

"How did you manage to survive around him for so long?" Hyungwon whispered to Wonho.

"I don't know but I'm proud of myself." Wonho shrugged.

"Hey I can still hear you guys." Both of them gulped at the warning and waited silently for their dinner. Dinner was ready not long after and they all sat around the dining table. Well technically Kihyun made ramyeon too but added few more side dishes to go with it and everything looked mouth-watering or maybe they were just too hungry.

"Kihyun I saw you at the coffee shop today." Wonho said and Kihyun almost choked on his food.

"But I didn't see you?" Kihyun said as he reached for his coke and down it.

"You were with someone?" Wonho continued to test the water.

"Yeah. My professor." The boy said casually. Wonho frowned and he looked for Hyungwon's reaction. The taller male only shrugged as he eats his ramyeon.

"Your professor? But he looked so young."

"Yeah." Kihyun smiled as he remembered Changkyun and his boyish smile, almost forgetting that they were still having dinner and everyone saw the look on his face.

"What?" He said as he realized everyone was staring at him.

"You're in love." Minhyuk blurted. Everyone around the tabled seemed amused.

"Maybe I am." Kihyun said smiling.

"You're creeping me out dude." Wonho said.

"What? You guys were always creeping me out by being over clingy too."

"Introduce him to us when you can." Hyunwoo said still looking amused with the thought of Kihyun is in love.

"Someday." Kihyun grinned and they all finished their dinner soon after while chattering away about their day. Minhyuk and Hyunwoo offered to do the dishes, Kihyun went out to throw the trash while Wonho and Hyungwon went into Wonho's bedroom after the dinner.

MONSTA X RAY SEASON 2 ended yesterday. I felt empty lol. Now I have nothing to anticipate for the coming Thursday TT. Ah well. And Sorry for the slow updates. This is really slow paced I'm so sorry. I might speed it up soon. Welp. Thank you for reading and votes if you want. :) Love ya <3 Total words: 1135.

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