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Something is not right.

Wonho could sense it somehow. Lately, he felt an unfamiliar presence around his like a pair of eyes was constantly watching him in the dark every time he was in college especially when he was walking alone. He thought maybe he was just overthinking but he failed to shake off the feeling. Since he knew that there were another side of this world existed, he can't ignore it that easily anymore. Maybe someone or something was really secretly watching him and tailing him around.

It was really late in the evening that day. The hallways and classes were almost empty as lessons ended and students rushed home. Shownu had swimming practice and Wonho was left alone in the computer lab trying to get his assignment done. Blame his perfectionist professor that asked him to redo the assignment and hand in it before the end of today. He is stuck here alone brainstorming and mumbling curses as he tried to get his work done. Wonho sighed again as his fingers moves frantically on the keyboard of the computer.

"Okay. Done." He mumbled to himself as he read his work again, trying to make sure there is no more mistake that can give the professor the excuse to ask him to redo it again. He smirked when he was satisfied with it, saving the file and sent the email to his professor. Turning off his laptop and packing up his books, he thought about Hyungwon. He misses his Demon boyfriend. Wonho was about to text his lover when he heard something and a dark silhouette walked pass the door.

"Hello? Anyone there?" He asked but he heard no reply. A sudden chill ran down his spine as he quickly grabbed his bag and rush toward the main exit. Wonho was out of the lab when he saw something flickered at the end of the hallway.

Something is not right.

His heart screamed telling him to run for his life and he did as told. He ran as fast as he could when he heard footsteps other than his own, quickened behind him, someone or something must be chasing him at this point. He can't afford to look back now and the main exit was still far ahead. Why did they build the computer lab so far away anyway? He cursed.

Wonho turned into a corner and hid behind it, waiting for the figure that was following him to do the same. His heartbeat accelerated as he heard the footsteps approaching. He grabbed on the strap of his bag tightly and when the figure appeared Wonho slammed the bag as hard as he could onto the figure's back, sending it tumbling down and groaning in pain.

"Why are you following me?!" Wonho shouted, his hand still holding onto his bag, threatening to use it again on the figure if it did something stupid (I have a bag and I'm not afraid to use it!).

"Wonho. Stop." The figure said as it rubbed the back of his head that was in pain.

"Jooheon? What the heck?" Wonho was surprised.

"Hey. That really hurts by the way. What did you keep in that bag?" Jooheon laughed nervously, still eyeing Wonho's bag suspiciously, wondering if the latter would hit him again.

"Some books?" Wonho said, finally lowering his bag and slung it onto his back again.

"Dang. And they said books can't kill."

"You almost scare me to death. Are you the one that have been following me around?" Wonho said as he offered a hand to help Jooheon back on his feet again.

"Yeah. Sorry man." Jooheon said sheepishly.

"Why though?"

"Hyungwon told me to keep an eye on you. Just in case."

"Just in case what?"

"Just in case err- Well he just wanna keep you safe. He can be paranoid at times."

"Sure. There's something you're not telling me." Wonho frowned.

"He was scared people would come after you. That's all." Jooheon sighed.

"I see." They stood there awkwardly for a while. Jooheon was still trying to soothe the pain on the back of his head.

"Does it really hurt?" Wonho asked.


"Sorry man." Wonho chuckled.

"Nah it's okay. I shouldn't run after you like that." Now Jooheon was laughing too.

"I'll buy you dinner to make up for it?"

"You know we don't eat food right?" Jooheon asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah. But you can just enjoy it though. Just savouring it. C'mon."

"If you say so then." The male gave up.

"Great. Let me call Hyungwon too." Wonho reached into his pocket for his phone and cursed when he can't find it. He must have left the phone in the computer lab when he panicked just now.

"Wait here for a bit Jooheon. I left my phone at the lab."

"How forgetful can you be?" Jooheon teased.

"Wow. It's your fault for scaring me just now. I was scared for my life."


"Wait here. I'll be right back." And with that Wonho hurried toward the computer lab again to find his phone. As expected, the phone was left on the table that he used just now. He slipped it into his pocket and was about to leave the lab when he saw something again.

"Jooheon, it's not funny anymore. Come out." No response.

"Jooheon, I swear-"

And everything was black.


Jooheon went to the computer lab too as he noticed Wonho took too long to grab his 'missing' phone but found no one. That moment he knew he messed up when he saw Wonho backpack lying on the floor without its owner. He cursed before disappearing into thin air.

The boy reappeared at Hyungwon's place, panic was written on all over his face as he opened his mouth to tell Hyungwon the bad news.

"Hyungwon, I fucked up. They got Wonho."

"What do you mean you fucked up Jooheon. Where's Wonho?" Hyungwon looked at the boy in disbelief.

"They took him. I should have followed him closely."

"Jackson." Hyungwon lips pressed into thin line, he struggled to keep his composure as he was fuming inside.

"I should have known Jackson hyung won't let it go that easily. I'm so sorry."

"I swear I'll kill him if he laid his hand on Wonho."

"Please, let me talk to him first?"

"Talk to him? You can't talk sense into that son of a bitch." Hyungwon spit.

"But I just can't stand here and watch both of you killing each other."

"He's the one at fault here." The taller male said coldly.

"Please-" Hyungwon was already gone before Jooheon could say anything.

170917 Wonho has been showering Monbebe with surprise vlive lately. My heart melted every time I saw that smile on his face. This goes to every other members too whenever they went on live and whenever they update on social media. Thank you. Im grateful to be a well fed Monbebe. I love them so much. Thank you for reading. Leave comments and vote if you like. But really. Do leave comment LOL. Love ya <3

Total words: 1106.

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