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"Someone please save me."

"No one can hear you."

"I can save you in exchange for your soul."

"He's fully healed. Impressive. Even the scar faded."

"Your remedy worked like a charm as always."

"Of course." The boy said smugly, both hand folded across his chest

"Thank you for saving me." Wonho said looking at both of them after they had examined his already-fully-healed wound.

"It's our pleasure." The guy with the dimples said smiling. His name is Jooheon if Wonho haven't heard wrong.

"We haven't introduced ourselves right?" Jooheon said and the boy beside him nodded.

"I'm Jooheon and this brat here is Changkyun."

"I'm not a brat." Changkyun said as he smacked Jooheon's head, the other boy yelped.

"Nice to meet you." Changkyun turned his attention back to Wonho.

"Nice to meet you both too. I'm Wonho." Wonho replied smiling.

"So, what do you think about Hyungwon?" Jooheon asked abruptly, wriggling his eyebrow.

"This is the first time he brought someone back. Let alone a mortal."

"Yeah. We have never seen him like this before."

"You know I can still hear you from across the room." Hyungwon said as his fingers moved hectically on the laptop's keyboard in the study. Wait a laptop?

"Are you two demons too?" Wonho attempted to change the topic.

"He is. But I'm a little bit different." Changkyun said as he pointed too Jooheon.

"Don't let their looks fools you. They can all look cute and innocent. But Jooheon right there is second in command after me." Hyungwon spoke again from across the room and Jooheon looked proud to be introduced like so.

"Yeah. And Changkyun here is the best Warlock that I have ever known."

"I preferred the term healer."

"Nothing about you spells healing." And Jooheon was smacked on his head again.

"See for yourselves." Wonho chuckled at their behaviour. They seemed so young and laid back. Nothing looked like hell-ish. Yet again, Hyungwon himself too doesn't look intimidating.

"Crap. I forgot about Kihyun and Hyunwoo. They must be worried sick."

"Your flatmate?" Hyungwon said.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"Let's just say that I know quite some stuff about you."

"Eww, stalker!" Both Jooheon and Changkyun exclaimed too excitedly before Hyungwon appeared out of nowhere and smacked them both on the head. Wonho swore Hyungwon was at the desk in the study, how did he? Teleportation? Wonho shrugged at that thought, he wasn't sure what to believe in anymore.

"Are you both done? Can you leave now?" Hyungwon said, pretending to be annoyed.

"Aww but we just got to know each other. Right Wonho?" Jooheon said pleadingly.

"Yeah, let us stay a while more." Changkyun added.

"Fine, you both can stay and watch us continue what we left off just now." Hyungwon said as he started to pull Wonho onto his laps again.

"Eww. Fine we'll go."

"We'll see you again later Wonho." And they vanished out of thin air. Wonho thought that he might as well be insane now.

"You'll get used to it." Hyungwon said as he plays with Wonho's hair.

"Get used to what? The sudden appearing and disappearing act?"


"Sure sure." He said as he leaned closer into Hyungwon's chest. He could get used to being pampered like this. The younger male was humming a melody, Wonho can't quite catch it but it sounded familiar to him.

"What else can you guys do? Can you breathe fire?" Wonho asked after a while.

"Well sort of."

"Do you have horns and tail?"

"Nope. Those are just nonsense fabricated by mortal."

"Darn it. I was hoping to see a tail." His reply made them both laughed.

"How long have I been here?"

"Time works differently here. But in mortal time, it's almost two days?"

"Kihyun is gonna kill me for disappearing."

"I think he'll understand that his silly friend here got all heroic and tried to save a damsel in distress but almost got himself killed."

"Haha. Funny." Hyungwon chuckled.

"Say Hyungwon, when you saved me, did you by any chance save my ramyeons too?"

"Nope." Wonho's stomach grumbled and the male smiled awkwardly. He didn't realize that he was famished until now.

"I'm hungry."

"Yeah, I can hear that. Let go get some food before I send you back to your apartment." Hyungwon smiled softly before leaving a small peck on Wonho's forehead.

"Okay." Wonho felt butterflies in his stomach.

"But first we need you out of those clothes." Hyungwon eyed the man in front of him from head to toe while biting his lips. Wonho looked down. He finally realized that he only had an oversized shirt and a really, extremely short shorts on before he blushed as he let Hyungwon dragged him to find a more suitable clothing.

170804 With this chapter all the main casts are introduced. i'm thinking of finishing my MX albums collection. Still thinking. At the moment I only have one version of each of their Korean Albums. I like to collect anyway. OH AND BEAUTIFUL IN EUROPE SOON. HAVE FUN MBB. <3 Leave comments if you want double update today. Give me valid reason why i should double update today. LOL. 

Thank you for reading. Votes if you want. <3 Total words: 791.

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