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"Your eyes will remain the same."

"It's not in my power to alter it."

"Not even my blood could change that."

Hyungwon made sure that Wonho was already deep asleep before leaving a small peck on the older's forehead and slowly crawling out of the bed to leave the bedroom. He heard someone in the kitchen when he closed the bedroom door quietly. Minhyuk was doing dishes. What a rare sight. He thought.

"Hyungwon, is Wonho already asleep?" Minhyuk asked with cloth in one hand, busy wiping the already washed dishes.

"Yeah. Hyunwoo?"

"Mhm. Sleeping like a baby." Minhyuk smiled at the mentioned of his teddy bear boyfriend.

Hyungwon sat on the stool on the kitchen counter, his eyes were still glued to the back of the blonde that was busy at the kitchen sink.

"You're gonna burn holes on my back if you keep staring at me like that." The blonde chuckled as he set the last dried plate on the drying rack.

"What have you been up to all these years?" Hyungwon asked silently. He was curious, too curious. The blonde had disappeared without traces all these years and only to be found here today, looking exactly the same when before he left and courting his boyfriend's best friend on the side.

"Tea?" He said smiling.

"No. I had enough tea for today."

"But I like tea."

"Okay tea. Then answer my questions." Hyungwon sighed as he watched the blonde prepared tea again for who knows the nth times today. Minhyuk set the tea down for both of them on the kitchen counter and sat in front of Hyungwon.

"How are you Hyungwon?" He said as he sipped on his warm tea.

"I'm good. Why did you left?" Hyungwon said coldly.

"I left you a letter didn't I? Even hinting it all the time when I'm with you. I was tired and sick of hell." Minhyuk sighed.

"That doesn't make sense."

"I have been there since forever Hyungwon. You wouldn't understand."

"Then what have you been doing all these 20 years?"

"I have travelled to places that I have never imagine that I could be there. I learnt and studies, even worked like a normal human, blending in, trying to feel how does it feels like to be a human."

"You know that's worthless right? You can feel their emotions and thoughts. Their greed, anger and sinister attracts you."

"It was hard at first. But I managed to ignore it. Hyungwon, for once I felt that I'm alive like a human." Minhyuk broke into a small smile.

"I tried to track you down."

"Yeah. I know. But I'm pretty good at staying hidden." Minhyuk chuckled.

"You didn't even contact me all these years."

"You had Jooheon and Changkyun. They are your friend too."

"They aren't the same."

"But you survived and thrived without me. You're independent enough my child." Hyungwon felt his heart stopped as if he had one. He had missed Minhyuk calling him that for a long time and his expression softened.

"I missed you." Hyungwon blurted.

"I missed you too." Minhyuk said as he softly caressed Hyungwon's face and smiling fondly at the younger. Hyungwon leaned in to his touch. He had missed the blonde so much.

"Hey, I'm glad that you have Hyunwoo now. He seemed like a nice guy." Hyungwon smiled softly.

"He is." Minhyuk said looking whipped and happy as if he had owned the universe.

"But he tried to exterminate you before?"

"It's all in the past now. Well a sweet past though. He tried so hard but fell for me eventually like how I fell for him."

"You're still a sucker for romance." Minhyuk giggled.

"You have Wonho now too."

"Mhm." Hyungwon smiled at Minhyuk's words.

"Did he send his men to attack you back at the alley?" Minhuk asked looking worried.

"Yeah. He was your right hand man, he won't bow to me that easily."

"He was no longer my right hand man when he tried to ruin Hell." Minhyuk's lips pressed into thin line, anger clearly seen in his eyes.

"I think it's time to give him a piece of my mind too." Hyungwon said.

"I'll go with you."

"You would? After staying low all these times?" Hyungwon was surprised.

"He tried to ruin something precious to me again, even hurting my lover's best friend. Besides I can be more convincing than you are." Minhyuk winked and Hyungwon slapped away his hand playfully.

"But you said I'm independent enough."

"Okay you can do it while I'll just stand there and watch the show?"

"Deal." Hyungwon smirked and they both vanished into thin air.

Few hours later, Kihyun woke up and was cursing whoever left his precious teacups on the counter.

170812 bits of Hyunghyuk moment here because why not. And there's a bad news. I might slow down on updates soon. Thank you for reading and voting for this story <3 Love y'all. Total words: 755.

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