chapter 13

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hey guys once again here with a new chapter hope you enjoy♥



"Look dad I can't do this alone, I mean me and Tom are doing fine figuring the rouge problem out but we need your help."

"Channing I can't I have to take care of the blood moon packs problems you both are alphas figure it out."

I sighed in frustration

"Fine dad."

"I'm sorry son I wish I could help you but I have problems of my own to solution as well."

"Yeah I know dad."

"How's Selena?"

"She's fine."

"Have you told her what you discovered about her?"

"No but I know Tom kissed her and she didn't freak out so me and him are telling her once we get home tomorrow."

"Good, Good you're step sister should be proud to have you two as mates."

"You think she won't freak out?"

He laughed as I expressed my fear to him "No son Selena is a strong wolf she's just still in pain from the rejection."

Hearing that word and how Selena had to endure that by herself angered me.

"Calm down son I know how you feel it angers me as well, but once she accepts you and Tom's love she will open up to the both of you and forget the rejection."

"Thanks dad and tell Sandie Tom and I say hello and that we love her."

Even though Sandie wasn't our blood mother she still raised us as her own

"Will do my boy love you both and don't stress yourselves out."

"We won't bye dad."

"So what'd dad say Bro?"

"He said she'll accept us eventually and not to let her fear stop us I mean she kissed you back didn't she?"

"Yeah, she wasn't freaked out she was just confused about why she enjoyed it." He said smirking

"Wait until she gets a taste of my lips."

Tom growled playfully

"Impossible bro."

 Selena I can't wait to tell you that you are mine and that I will never hurt you ever!


I moved the freshly sharpened razor over my pale skin.

I sliced the healed cut and watched the blood drip down my pale skin and drip onto the white bathroom floor.

I fell into a deep depression that I feared nobody would be able to help me out of it. I felt alone and I knew I'd be like that for the rest of my life.

I cut another cut onto my wrist, enjoying the pain in a sick way. I liked watching the blood drip out and pour onto the cold marble floor. Call me sick and twisted but unless you're in my shoes shut the fuck up!

I got up from the floor and jumped into the shower washing the open wounds under the cold water. The water made the cuts sting but I enjoyed that feeling too.

Once I got out I wrapped up my wrists and cleaned the cuts. I put on a jacket and called into work sick. I didn't want anyone to see me, they'd automatically know something was wrong with me and alert my father and brothers.


When I walked into the house I had a new whore on my arm, I was ready to take her to my room and fuck her brains out when I smelled blood. I followed the scent and it led to  Selena's room.

"Get out!" I yelled at the whore

"But baby?" she whined

"I said get the fuck out!"

She huffed and then stomped out, I waited for the door to slam and smiled when it did.

Now why did Selena's room smell like blood?

I debated on whether to knock on her door

Ah fuck it I'm knocking



I was fixing up my now opened cuts once again they just wouldn't stop bleeding.

Fuck I think I cut too deep they should've healed by now with the strong werewolf healing abilities.

I was cleaning them up when I heard knocking and Tommy's voice calling my name.

"What Tommy?"

"Why do I smell Blood in your room?"

"It's nothing just go away ok!"

"No tell me why I smell blood?"


He stopped knocking and I thought he had taken my advice when I heard my door being kicked down, and in the doorway was a very pissed off and worried Tommy.

"Selena Where are you?"

Since my room was so big nobody could ever find me, I tried my best to hide the scent of blood but once again the door was being kicked down by Tommy.

"What the Fuck Tommy!"

He marched over to me and grabbed my wrist. I hissed in pain from the cut still being open.

"What the fuck are you doing to yourself Selena?"

I jerked my wrist back

"None of your damn business so go the fuck away you haven't cared about me until now so just go away!"

I marched past him and walked down the stairs I was half way there when I started feeling light headed. I felt myself falling down the stairs, I faintly heard someone calling my name but I was too busy blacking out as i fell down the stairs.

Ah fuck I knew I cut too deep but if I was going to die at least I was going to be in peace.

Authors note: kind of emotional don't you think?

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