chapter 35

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hey guys! this chapter is a fight scene between Selena, Kimmy, Kesha, And Beatrice!! The song to the side is Howl by Florence + the it as you read the fight scene:)


After School ended i went into the forest and decided my wolf needed to shift. She'd become more violent since we were in heat. Running was the only way she could relieve herself.

i began to run through the forest letting the wind whip through my black fur....but when i stopped my ears perked up immediately to a twig being snapped. Then i heard growling, A red lanky wolf, then a dirty blond wolf came out, and the last one was an ugly grey wolf. They were all growling and barring their teeth at me.

I recognized the wolves immediately they were Kim ,Kesha, and Beatrice's wolves.

i smiled a Wolf smile which caused them to growl louder.

"HMM well if it isn't the three musketeer whores" I said still in my human form 

They growled at my insult. Kesha's ugly wolf barred her teeth

"Careful now, don't want to end back up in the hospital now do we Kesha?" I mocked as I shifted as well

Kim was the first to make the move she pounced on my back biting into my fur.

i let out a howl of pain.

i threw her off and she hit a tree, Then Beatrice lunged for me trying to reach for my throat, i bit into her ear until i tasted her disgusting blood in my mouth.

What i didn't expect was for Kesha to make a cheap move and attack me from behind, she ended up on top of me. She was snapping her teeth trying to get a good grip on my throat.

(That's it let me take over now Selena!) screamed my wolf

(gladly) i said

I felt my wolf take over and she threw Kesha off of me and growled at the three wolves.

They all lunged for me but i clawed Kesha in the face ripping skin off in the process, then i grabbed Kim's throat and bit down hard enough to cause her to whimper. Then i bit into Beatrice's leg hard until she was on her stomach.

But the bitches just didn't give up!

Kim once again tried to go for my throat, My wolf grabbed her once again by the throat and ripped it out without hesitation.

then i threw her away from me and faced the last remaining two wolves, they circled me waiting for me to make my next move,

{Ready to die Bitch!} growled Kesha

{ready when you are bitch} i growled back

then Beatrice lunged for me again, she managed to get a good hold on my neck. This let Kesha have the opportunity to get close enough to get on top of me and get a grip on my throat.

{who knows Selena maybe when you die i can get Channing to actually have sex with me} she laughed

i growled which only made both of them bare down harder on my neck and throat.

{have a nice life bitch!} yelled Beatrice

but before Kesha and Beatrice could do anymore damage, five wolves came out of the woods and charged at the two wolves. Throwing them off of me.

My mother had Beatrice by the throat and ripped it out without any hesitation. My mother was bad ass.

My father, and mates had Kesha cornered by a tree, but she found an escape and ran into the woods. oh no she doesn't i said and ran after her! I could hear the others following me.

I finally caught up to Kesha and jumped on top of her causing us to fall down a hill and into the lake. We got up at the same time and circled each other. We bared our teeth to each other, we knew one of us was going to die.

then we went at each other at the same time, my paws were blocking her teeth from reaching my throat, i clawed at her face, which caused her to stumble a little bit.

Then i got on top of her and bit into her neck until i tasted her blood. she whimpered in pain

{submit to me Kesha or i will kill you, i don't care if your brother hates me, i will kill you} i said while putting my paw to her throat.

{i will never submit to you!}

then she threw me off of her, i landed on top of some sharp rocks, one managed to puncture me.

I let out a howl of pain, which only caused Kesha to laugh.

{weak as always!} kesha said while laughing

i growled at her and got back up, i ignored the pain that shot through my body.

she jumped in the air ready to attack me but before she could Tommy's wolf tackled her into the water. He had her by the throat as the others approached.

The pain caused me to shift back without any clothes on, i could feel the stickiness of my blood, it was trailing down my leg.

I heard three gasps as they saw my blood.

Channing ran over to me "Selena where is the blood coming from?" he asked while checking my body

" back" i manage to let out

then when i moved i screamed in pain.

"Dad the rocks stabbed her she's bleeding too much for her wolf to heal it!" Yelled Channing

my father growled "Take care of her Tommy!!"

and with that i heard Kesha yell and then it was silent.

"guys i'm fine!" i yelled

"no you aren't Selena so stop being stubborn!" yelled my mother

"Tom pick her up carefully and channing Shift back, she'll be riding on your back!" yelled my father

but i didn't hear anything else as darkness consumed me.

Authors note: so what do you think

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