Chapter 7

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Liandras' P.O.V

He approached me with a guilty expression, i saw 4 males behind him standing in the tree line they smelt of Blazes' men which only meant sometimes was to happen tonight which also meant he know who i really was. My wolf smirked -- good he'll suffering knowing what he lost-- sounding vicious.
" you wanted to see me" i said in a level voice

"yes follow me" unable to meet my eyes he motioned towards the forest.

As we got a good ways from the pack house we stopped in a little clearing. I felt 5 presence around us, assuming Blazes' 4 men and Mike. "So.. why did you call me here?" that seemed to piss him off because he growled and shove me up against a tree.

"you know well enough, who and what are you?"

"i thought you already know seeing as you have Blazes' 4 men surrounding us and you came here with the intentions of rejecting me"

his eyes widen in shock which caused me to smirk.

"oh wipe that look from you face. You guys can come out now, not only are my senses 10 times better" i leaned in his ear and whispered so only he could hear, "i'm also an Assassin"
I started laughing at his eyes the size of saucers.

He started backing away just as the 4 men came into view but as soon as they stepped into the clearing they were struck down with silver bullets to the heart. I saw Cole with an expression of fear and guilt plastered to his face, knowing full well what he was guilty of, then i saw him turning to make a run for it but i pounced on straddling him to the ground. " would you like to know why i came to this town" i asked ignoring the tingles at our connected skin

He gulped and nodded ever so slowly, leaning in further to his face " to kill you".

I leaned back seeing shock and fear in his eyes "y-you c-cant r-really kill your m-mate can you?" he said tripping over his words.
I laughed "your are no mate of mine. You lost that right when you marked that bitch" i growled. "I Liandra Serenity reject you Cole SilverBlood Alpha of the SilverBlood pack as my mate."
A pained expression crossed his face and i could have sworn he whimpered. He laid the shaking his head before he said, " I Cole SilverBlood accept you Liandra Serenity rejection"
I had expected to feel pain but i didn't. " are you going to let me go now?" he asked as if he forgot what i told him my mission was.

I let out a bark of laughter, out came Mike doing the same "you do know your ex-mate Assassins name is Abaddon and you think she'll just let you go" he said in between laughter.

Coles' eye looked like they would literally pop out of his head only causing us to laugh harder. "Oh Cole honey your not going anywhere your my target" with that said i took out a syringe with wolfs-bane and stuck it in his neck causing him to pass out.

Mike and i made our way back to the house carry an unconscious Cole i placed him in the basement in a cell on a silver table. Locking the cell and the basement i headed upstairs to change, after that i made my way to the kitchen to grab something light and call in Head Quarter.

On the first ring Alec picked up "Little one it has been a while how are things going?"

"they are fine dad, we had a little complication but it has been dealt with"
"what was the complication?"
"the target was my mate, but don't worry the job is almost done he's currently in a cell i also want to ask your permission on a few things"
I explained everything regarding my mate and the bitch he marked and Alpha Blaze.

" of course little one, and also i'm sorry about the mate situation" he said pain and remorse evident in his voice.
"its fine dad. The SilverBlood pack is associated with Alpha Blazes' pack, i'm requesting permission to annihilate the pack and torture my ex-mate. Also there are currently no pups only 3 pregnant women."

"little one we both know that with or without my permission you would do it, as your father i would allow you to torture your mate see in as he is the target and disrespected you but as your superior I have to require the information you collected and discuss the packs outcome with the elders. So i'll give you the decision by tomorrow and good job" and with that he hung up.

I walked to the living room to see Mike watching the television "if you need me i'll be in the basement" he looked at me with horrific smirk " give him hell" he yelled as i made my way towards the door.

I stood outside the cell door " i see your awake"

All he could do was grunt with the wolfs-bane still in his system.
I walked in and removed him the silver table and placed him on the wall chaining his and feet with silver chains laced with wolfs-bane. If your wondering silver doesn't affect me.

Grabbing his chin making him look at me i said with a menacing voice " we're going to have some fun"

I took a silver dagger and carved my Assassin name into his chest causing him to hiss at the burning. "please" i heard him whimper. Ignoring his pleas I connected IV lines pumping liquid silver and wolfs-bane in his veins and at this point he was growling which came across more of a gurgling sound. "now you really have SilverBlood" i said with roaring laughter.

As i was about to peel the skin from his body a curious Mike came into the cell. " damn your really doing a number on him" he said trying to hold his laughter. " i'll leave you to your fun, Pizzas' up stairs when your ready" with that he took his leave.

After i peeled his skin off leaving nothing but the muscle underneath i decide to take his eyes. I have a variety of colors some i have even created. After a few hours i decided i had enough. i had taken his toes, fingers, teeth and manhood. Taking the silver dagger i plunged it into his heart. I placed his body in the wood chipper in the back of the basement, then i washed and cleaned down the cell and chipper. My wolf was quiet the whole time.

I went up stairs and took a soaked, -- i'm sorry Chan--, --its fine Lilly it had to be done but doesn't hurt any less-- with that she went to the back of my head.
Half hour later i got dressed and joined Mike down stairs. While we were watching 13 Assassins we got the Go Head from the elders to annihilate the SilverBlood pack. I looked at Mike we both smirked and went to our rooms to gear up. As we got back down stairs there was a loud knock on the door, I opened door to find an enrage beta. " where the hell is my Al-" he stopped finally taking in Mikes' and i appearance, we both smirked i took my gun turning back to him and pointed it to his head "DEAD" his eyes widen in shock and with that i pulled the trigger.


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