Chapter 16

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Liandras' P.O.V

After helping my mate with his shift and spending a night under the moon and stars i was finally happy and satisfied.

--he's stunning though isn't he-- Chan said swooning

-- well thats such a random thing to say, but his wolf is damn fine--

'thinking about me love' i hear an amused voice in my head.
i jumped and giggled opening my eyes to see my mate staring at me with a goofy look on his face.

"Depends, were you ease dropping" i asked trying to pull off a serious face.

he started rubbing circles on my arm "maybe". i laughed and rolled my eyes " yes i was, you are one handsome cricket"

Before i could comprehend what was happening i was flipped and he was hovering over. "I'm no cricket now say it right" he growled. My wolf was purring at the his playfulness.

"i like this playful side of you, though shy and timid was cute too" that got me another growl. I instantly flipped him and straddle him lowering my mouth to his ear whispering "if i say your a cricket then your a cricket but your MY cricket" my breath fanned across his ear causing him to shiver and groan.

He placed his hands on my hip and kissed me, i instantly returned it just as eagerly and passionately. It was hot and rough but with gentle wave to it. After some time we pulled apart breathing heavily. "i think you need a cold shower to solve your little problem" " aint nothing little about me love" i giggled feeling a blush creep up my cheek.

I got up and made my way towards Kylie room. " Morning Butterfly" "Morning Mummy can we go see grandpa" i laughed "that's actually why i'm here, i'm taking Lucien so i wanted to know if you wanted to come along"
"Yayyy i'll go get ready" she kissed me and ran towards the bathroom.

Making my way back my room i linked Mike, ' i'm going to HQ with Kylie and my mate so look after things till i return and also set up a get together for tonight i'm gonna introduced the pack to my mate.'

'Sure thing Lilly' he replied. 

Everything went smoothly, Alec played with Kylie and Lucien didn't seemed so nervous with  Alecs' deathly glares. After Alec had spoken to my mate he nodded his head giving me his approval.

I had just finished talking to the other Heads of A-force and they agreed to lend me the man power whenever i should need it.
After some time we made our way back home to get ready for the gathering and introduction. I left Lucien in the kitchen raiding my fridge and  I called Emmi Mikes' mate to help Kylie get ready as i headed to my room.

30 minutes later i stepped out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my body and made way to my closet. I heard a faint growl and spun around to see my mate standing in the door way with his eyes black with lust i couldn't help the smirk that came across my face.

"Like what you see?" i said raising a brow with a smirk still on my face. Before i could blink i felt cold lips on my mine and a feeling of bliss.

Luciens' P.O.V

I made my way up to our room after rummaging through the fridge in the kitchen, as i pushed the door i saw my mate standing in all her glory in front her closet.

A small growl escaped my lips before i could choke it down.

"Like what you see" she smirked.

Without replying i rushed towards her crashing our lips as she ran her fingers through my hair.

We broke apart breathing heavily and i trailed tiny kisses along her jaw leading to her sweet spot.

I nibbled and suck her neck causing a breathy moan to escape her lips. " may i?" I felt her nod "yes" she sighed breathlessly.

I pecked her lips and then kiss her shoulder before sinking my canines into her neck. I felt electricity wreck my whole body and i felt our connection strengthen ten fold. I licked my mark causing my mate to shiver.

"We need to get ready up for another shower"

She smiled and shake her head before kissing me and making our way to the bath.

Moments later i was introduced to the pack and upon the mingling i received some nasty glares and some lustful ones from the females.


The night went by fairly quickly but i enjoyed it with my mate and Kylie, also some pack members i met at the gathering.

As i laid cuddled with my mate playing with her hair i kissed her forehead and asked "will you go on a date with me?"

She raised her head a looked at me and i could've sworn her eyes were a lit.  "I'd love to"
She reached up and kissed me leaving me in bliss and content.

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