Chapter 19

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Luciens P.O.V

My mate had just left to take Kylie home so i went to where Mike and Emmi were sitting.

We started talking and laughing, it was nice to relax with someone other than my mate. At first i didn't like Mike but now that i have come to know him he's a really cool guy.

After some time my mate had yet to return and i started to get worried. -- she's fine we would feel if somethings wrong-- Lance said

--i know but i miss her-- i said and my wolf laughed at me like literally bloody laugh.
--Whats funny you miss her too-- i growled at him and he immediately stop laughing.
That shut him up quick i said to myself causing him to huff.

I notice Miked asked Emmi to dance and i was left sitting alone when suddenly after some time i felt a presence behind me, i turned and was shocked at who i saw. There stood in a black dress my first mate "Lydia" my wolf growled hearing the name escape my lips.

"Hello Lucien baby ya missed me" she said with an evil smirk on her caked up face leaned forward and kissed me.

Before i could respond i heard a scream and pulled away to see wolves dropping like flies. I suddenly felt a burning sensation in my side as i dropped to my knees looked down to see a silver blade protruding form my side.

My vision started going blurry. " you like it? silver dagger laced with liquid silver and Wolves bane" Lydia snarled. I felt my self being lifted i tired to see by whom but i couldn't make out their face all i knew it was a male. I looked around and saw the wolves fighting back and out of no where i saw a white blur take the persons head whose hold me rite off.

--mates here and she's safe-- Lance said in my head barely audible above a whisper.

'baby i need you to keep your eyes open' was the last thing i heard before darkness consumed me.

Liandras' P.O.V

I mind link patrol for back up i shifted and started to attack the hunters.

-- how did they even get in-- Chan asked

--Not now we need to focus and find our mate he's hurt-- i said
she agreed and i carried on tearing through hunters.

I was taking hunters left and right when i felt a presence behind me but before i could do something about it i felt something sharp go through my hind leg causing me to whimper and growl. As i was about to attack this foolish person he collapsed with a dagger protruding from the back of his head.

' thanks Mike' 'anytime Lilly' he said with his million dollar grin and went to assist the others.

I turned and saw a man walking away with my mate, my wolf took over and launched at the man with her teeth bared taking his head clean off his body staining our coat to a deeper red.

I turned and saw a man walking away with my mate, my wolf took over and launched at the man with her teeth bared taking his head clean off his body staining our coat to a deeper red

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I saw my mates eyes flutter and glazed 'baby i need you to keep your eyes open' i shouted into his mind right before his eyes shut.
I felt tears slip down my cheek.

I looked at my Mate and say him bleeding form his side, i mind link the pack doctors.
I shifted back to human form and looked around and saw that many wolves had dropped either was dead or unconscious.

'Mike i want a head count on whose dead and call in A-Force medical we'll need the help i'll deal with my mate and check on Kylie'

'Go ahead i'll look after things here' he replied. I took my mate and 3 pack warriors and head to my house in the medical wing side there i patched up my mate.

Deciding he was going to be out for a while and after arguing with my wolf i went and check on Kylie seeing she was still asleep i then made my way to check on the other members.

"Hey Mike whats the status"
"15 Dead 105 In recovery from liquid silver and wolfs-bane also 2 hunters got away a male and female, the female seen talking to your mate and 30 hunters dead."

My wolf growled at the mention of a female talking to our mate. "Thanks Mike go home to Emmi i'll watch things for a while " he nodded and left.

After a hour i told the doc to notify me in changes of my peoples recovery.

When i got back to my house i went to the kitchen and made couple sand-wiches and got a glass of juice and headed up to my mate. As i pushed the door i saw my daughter and my mate laying there and my heart swelled.

I walked up and kissed them both and sat in the chair watching them both sleep. I sat there for 3 hours before i went to my office i contact the relatives of the deceased and set a burial in 2 days, i also contacted the Alphas on a meeting early morning at my house.

I went back to my mates room, Kylie stirred and came and laid in my lap kissing my cheek before falling back to sleep.

Unknown P.O.V (hours after attack)

I made my way outside of town towards an abandoned warehouse where i was supposed to meet the head of the hunters.

I stood there for 25 minutes before a man came out of the shadows.
"you didn't do your job well enough, what the hell happened" i said growling at the man standing before me.

" i lost 30 good men because you neglected to tell me they had a white wolf, what were we to do silver don't work on white wolves so don't take that tone with me" he snarled back.
"she was not your concern she's mine and will not be harmed or i'll have your head" i snarled
"Don't threaten me you hold no power here I do, I run this facility and don't forget we are doing you a favor in return for what you promised" he smirked

"i haven't forgotten"
"good were planning to launch a full attack as soon as i replace the 30 men you made me lose and the serum is completed" he said turning and leaving in the shadows where once he came.

I walked out into night air, i'll have you yet Liandra no matter what.

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