Chapter 14

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Luciens' P.O.V

After i ate we made our way towards the garden. On our way there everyone we passed called her Regina and bowed their heads in respect, i even got a few dirty looks from both male and female but i just brushed it off.

We sat on a bench under a shady tree in the far corner of the garden. " Before we start why do they call you Regina and whats with the bowing, i get that you are the Alpha" i asked.
"I'll explain all that when i tell you my story so why don't you go first" she said looking some what nervous.

i nodded and started to tell my story. "Okay well my parents are both rogues but dad had Alpha blood, i don't know what pack they were from they never talked about it. At 11 my parents were killed by hunters and after that i was on my own for 10 years living in no mans land but i was constantly running from hunters and other rogues. At the age of 21 i found my mate and it turned out she was a hunter,

-- she is no mate of ours-- Lance growled.

but she used and rejected me all for the sake of experiments, test and tracking."

On that thought my hand flew to my neck where the tracker was placed. "no worries i had the Doc take it out but it was rather difficult to detach i must say, carry on"
I nodded.

"Okay, so i was used and the experiments were painful. I have been there for 4 years and only manage to escape 4 days ago. Also i haven't shifted or spoken to my wolf in 4 yrs, well until he found out you were our mate. So now you know my story"

"We will get them for this you have my word on that, and i'm not going reject you i would like for you to give me a chance. I may be able to help with your wolf it may hurt tho." she said and hugged me, i stiffened but then returned her hug nuzzling into her neck as my wolf purred in content.

" i want to hear your story before we deal with the wolf issue also his name is Lance and yes i'll give you a chance" i said. I whimper when she pulled away missing the warmth and scent of honey with a hint of rain. She nodded and started.

As she told me her story i couldn't help but feel afraid, prideful, love, sadness and joy. --if she killed her mate does that mean she'll kill us-- i asked my wolf.
--no, she loves us-- he said and i could see him rolling his eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

--and you know this how smart wolf and also didn't she love him-- i could feel him grinning

--i have my ways and she may have fallen for him but if you listened you would be able to determine that for yourself-- and with that he went to the back of my mind.

Liandras' P.O.V

As he told me his story i wanted to make them pay even more along with his bitch of mate. --She'll suffer the most if she ain't already dead-- Chan said furiously. --Maybe this the war that mum was talking about-- i said and she only nodded before receding to the back of my mind

He finished and said he wanted to hear mine now. i took a breath and started, " well i was born in a pack called Luna gifted. On my 6 birthday i was to receive my moons mark but our pack was invaded by Blaze pack and my dad, mum also known as Alpha and Luna along with majority of my pack members died. I lived with Blaze pack for 4 years being abused and starved and treated like an Omega. I manged to escape with the help of the Moon Goddess,

"why would she help you" he asked. " you'll find out soon enough" i said smirking

"so i escaped and was attacked by rogues i had yet to shift but i could merge with my wolf because we are special as some would say. I was laying on my death bed when Alec my father figure and head Assassin found me i had just been attacked and was drain of energy to fight i was in a really bad shape when i woke up. I trained for 2 yrs and was easily the best assassin due to me being extra.

The day after my 18th birthday i was sent on a mission but it turned out the target was my mate. I got to know him and was reconsidering going through with the mission until i found out he was working with the pack that destroyed mine and also he marked another she-wolf so i rejected, tortured and eventually killed him."

I stopped and looked at him i saw fear flashed cross his eyes. i sighed and continued.

"after that my mother the Moon Goddess came and informed of an upcoming war and that i needed to be prepared, i had no army nothing so she sent a message to a bunch of rogues. We trained and decided to become a pack, we fought and won without any members lost. I was crowned Queen and my pack name is called Reginas' pack and my territory is Reginas' Court. Regina meaning Queen, for you see i am Liandra Serenity Alpha daughter of Luna Gifted, direct descendant of the Moon Goddess i am also her Chosen, i am Alpha of Alphas and the Queen of Wolves." i said pouring as much pride as i could into my title.

"i am sorry that you have been through so much but you are strong why do you need me" he asked

"because you are my mine, mine to love and mine to hold. you are as equally broken if not more so, i cannot promise to fix you but i can promise to stand by your side if you would let me."

as i said that i saw Kylie running towards me. she climbed on my lap, "Mama whose this man?"
I looked and saw my Mate with sadden eyes. " no need to be sad love i found her 5 years ago so i adopted her" relief crossed his eyes and he nodded. "Kylie this is my mate Lucien, Lucien this is Kylie"
"Are you going to be my new Daddy" she asked staring at his out stretched hand. "would you like me to be" he asked and she nodded and jumped into his arms.

i sat there looking at my 2 hearts getting along and my wolf purring feeling complete.

'i'll leave you and Kylie for a while i have pack business to attend to she'll show you back inside but i wont be long' i sent him through mind link.

he looked shock at first because he was not part of the pack and we hadn't fully mate so he shouldn't have been able to hear my thoughts, he nodded looking a little sad but continued playing with Kylie as i took my leave.

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