chapter 3

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A/N Liandra at the top

As i pulled up to the mansion later that day i noticed that wolves were watching me. I smirked knowing that they thought i was human... I reached the inside and took my bags upstairs and then made my way to the soundproof basement to make sure things were in order.

After i had finished i noticed a black Harley parked next to my Ferrari, i let out an irritated sigh.

" i swear Mike if you try it i will snap your neck for sure this time, the hell you doing here?"

I turned to see a frown marrowing his face and he said in a pouty voice "you wouldn't really, also i'm your partner. Are you not happy to see me?"

"No, not really" after what seemed like minutes of intense staring we both burst into laughter and we hugged.

"If you need me I'll b in my room and don't forget we have school tomorrow" he said making his way to his room.

"Great i'm looking forward to it" i grumbled to myself making my way to the kitchen for a quick snack then bed.


After i had woke and had gotten ready i headed down stairs to see Mike in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Morning, I hope you remember your profile" i said sitting and grabbing a plate.
"I did. Can i take your car?"

I looked up to see puppy dog eyes and a quivering bottom lip. Sighing my irritation "fine but i want my baby back how you took it. You know what happened the last time you left a dent in one of my babies"


I walked out of my room and down to the garage passing a whistling Mike in the kitchen.
I entered the garage to see my green Priciest missing and a dent in my Camaro.
Oh no no he had better not

Marching my way to the kitchen i saw Mike start to shake in fear and he backed his way up to the kitchen door.

"Mike i'll ask once where is my Priciest and why the hell is there a dent in my Camaro!!!!" i said trying to keep my voice level but failed.
"well you see the Priciest is getting body work and i kind of raced both cars but you know how my drifting is" he said as he placed his hand on the door knob.
"you know you'll only make it worst if you run" i growled.

Not heading my warning he shot out the door and ran with me hot on his tail. I pulled my gun from my waist and shot 2 bullets hitting him in his shoulder and leg. He fell to the ground grunting and groaning. When i had finally reached him i said with a smirk playing at my lips "should we use silver this time or should i let you go" "silver"

End of Flashback

I Know you must be thinking why he choose silver so i let you in on little secret. The last he choice to be let go he ended being used as my target when i used liquid silver and wolfs-bane arrows.
He froze and you could practically smell the fear coming off him in waves. "On second thought you drive i'll roll passenger." I busted out in laughter "good choice"

After a 30 min drive we finally pulled to the school parking lot. As we got out i could feel all eyes on us, but one gaze felt as if it was burning through me. As i tried my best to ignore it i turned to Mike and smirked as we made our way to the admins office.
We arrived to find a lady who seemed no more than 35 clicking away on her computer. We stood trying to get the ladies attention finally managing to do so after about 5 minutes, apologizing she said with a gentle smile "you must be Mike Martinez and Lilly Clarke. We don't get too many new students."

"Yes that's us can we have our schedule please" Mike said

"Of course son" as she handed our schedules we made our way to our lockers that were side by side. We had all the same classes except for 6th period where he had history and i was free.
I reminded him to keep his ears open as we made our way to our first class which was English.

Coles' P.O.V

I awoke and headed to my office to take care of some pack business. As i got into my office my beta and best friend Shay came in. "Morning Alpha Cole we have 2 new students at school today. They got into town yesterday they appear to be human."

--New stock-- my wolf Cain grinned happily in my head.

"Thanks Shay. I'll be down in a minute so we can head to school."


As we were standing in the schools parking-lot talking and the schools slut Brianne hanging on my arm, we saw an impressive Ferrari 458 pulled up and the 2 new students i assumed they'd be got out. All attention were on them but my eyes immediately drifted to the girl. She was built but not muscular, red hair flowing down her back and her clothes hugged all the right places and Goddess her smell was of honey with a hint rain. My wolf stirred in my head. --MATE-- he growled.

My eyes widened in shock at me finding my mate not only was she stunning but she was the very thing Blaze require for me to get him, human. Am i really willing to hand over my Mate to remain Alpha? Deciding to let it go for now i turned and kissed Brianne and headed to class with my wolf growling at me.

Liandras' P.O.V

1st period went by in a breeze, as we got settled for our next class in walked the Alpha with his beta and gamma on either side of him. As he reached the bottom of the isle i couldn't help but notice how handsome he was with his well built figure and his ocean blue eyes drew me in. Then his scent hit me in waves, woodsy with a hint of salt water. -- MATE, GO TO MATE-- my wolf pranced around in my head.
Ignoring her realization then dawn on me, oh f*#% me . my mate is my target.

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