Chapter 15

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Liandras' P.O.V

I made my way to meeting hall entering to find all Alphas seated.

"Do you all read minds, i haven't called for ya all yet" i said clearly amusing them.
"we've been ruling under you for 5 years i would think we know you well and Congratulations" sector 2 Alpha Shayne said along with the others at the last part.

" thank you" i said and went to my seat as we all seated.

"Alright so straight down to business, the Goddess said there will be a  war coming i'm assuming it'll be between hunters and shifters and after what my mate told me they are using shifters to track other shifters. We found a tracker in his neck."

Everyone around the table looked perplexed.
"So i want everyone training to fight, i want the teens and females to start right way. I don't know if we will be able to hold out the mated wolves this time around we may need every member in this fight. Children 0-17 and elders will be in the bunker and will be guarded by Assassins i will talk to Alec after the meeting. If there is any input you may voice it if not you are free to leave."

They all bowed and left leaving Alpha Shayne and i in the room.

"You know i thought it would suck having to rule under a female but you my Queen have been outstanding" Alpha Shayne said reaching his hand to my face but was stopped mid-way by mate, i couldn't help the smile that crossed my face by the fact that my wolf was purring at his possessiveness.

"I would advise you not to do that" my mate growled. I stepped forward rubbing my hand up my mates arm i saw him visible shiver, " Lucien release Alpha Shayne please" i said with authority in my voice but not enough to hinder him. He let go and turned to me i could see his wolf in his eyes, i took another step forward bringing us closer together and hugged him, he then nuzzled my neck and relax some what.

"You may leave now Alpha Shayne but this will be discussed later."

"Regina" he bowed an left.

"Come on lets get you home there is some stuff i need to fill you in on and then there's that matter of your wolf." 

he nodded and we made our way to our house.

Luciens' P.O.V

I had just finish playing and getting to know Kylie when she said she was hungry so we made our way inside. I went to look for my mate after i had gotten Kylie and myself something to eat but she was no where in the house, so i headed down stairs and asked Kylie where she thought my mate might be.

After she told me how to get to the meeting hall my wolf started to get excited at seeing his mate so we made our way, we saw a bunch of male shifters leaving through a door at the end of the hall so we made our way to it. I stood outside the door for 2 minutes before entering when i heard talking and my wolf kept urging me to go in. When i had finally gathered the wits to go in i saw a Alpha Males' hand make way towards my mates face.

My wolf took over and rush towards the man and grabbed his hand before he touched our mate.

"I would advise you not to do that" i growled feeling my wolf trying to claw his way out.
I felt my mate come up behind me and started rubbing my arm causing my body to quake in shivers.  "Lucien release Alpha Shayne please." i could hear the authority in her tone, my wolf was still angered by the Male in front of me.

I released  him and turn to my mate  i could see a swirl of emotions in her eyes but pride and love shown the strongest. My wolf was still on the surface and i knew she could see it, she stepped towards me and hugged me causing me to lower my head to nuzzle her neck. I heard her say something to Alpha Shayne but i was too caught up in her smell to pay attention.


We entered the house and made way to her room but not before we stopped to check on Kylie.

Finally in her room she went took a bath and dress as i sat on her bed and waited. Minutes later she came back and we sat and she filled me on the plans for the upcoming battle, though my wolf didn't like it.
--what if she gets hurt, we should just drug her and lock her up-- my wolf said.

--we cant do that we'll be there to make sure she doesn't, i don't like the idea of her being hurt either--
He huffed and blocked me out.
"Now about your wolf we can try the command to shift but as your my mate and equal i don't know if it will work." she said

"We'll give it a try, now or tomorrow?"
"we can try now if you want then you can have a bath" i simple nodded and we made our way to a small clearing west of the house close to a lake.

When we reached the clearing i started to take off my, stopping mid-way through my pants as i saw my mate look at me with anger and awe in her eyes. She walked toward me and started tracing and kissing the scars causing shivers and sparks  to envelope my entire being.

"some the scars may close seeing as you were disconnected from your wolf and its unique properties" she saud and i nodded.

i finished undressing and stood there in briefs when my mate said "SHIFT" i felt my wolf spark to life stronger in my head before i was consumed with the most excruciating pain i have ever felt.

I felt needles and pins in my fingers, my bones breaking and reforming and the skin on my back literally stripped away. I felt that pain for about roughly 3 minutes before i was enveloped in a white light of Serenity .

I looked down to my see paws and when i raised my head i saw my mate in all her white glory.
--i want to see me, i haven't seen me in years then we can play with mate-- Lance yipped in my head.

So we walked to towards the lake but to my surprise i was no longer the black wolf i remember i was now black and white.

Still in shock only coming to my senses when i felt my mate nuzzle and nip my shoulder and took off running through the forest with me on her tail

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Still in shock only coming to my senses when i felt my mate nuzzle and nip my shoulder and took off running through the forest with me on her tail. I felt stronger and faster but my mate still the fastest.

we spent the night running, playing and nuzzled by the lake til sunrise. I felt content but the upcoming battle on my mind and worry for my mate.

-- she'll be fine she's strong and we'll be there to protect-- my wolf said.

--of course she is and you couldn't stopped me even if you tired but was it not you who was just angered when i suggested it--

-- wouldn't dream of it and thats minor details-- with that he receded to the back of my mind.

Regina - Moon Goddesses Chosen ✔Where stories live. Discover now